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Benjamin Christoph Harrer

During my studies and because of my current job, I have learned how important businesses and diversity is in our culture. This insight drives my engagement and my behaving in my job and in my private live.
Benjamin Christoph Harrer

Key Data:

Job Title: Abstractor, Consultant
Company: Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Work Location: Stubenring 8-10, 1010 Wien
Start Date: 01.10.2014
My contact

What I do

As an abstractor in the Strategy and IT-Management Division I am responsible for the digital strategy and the implementation of the digital agenda of the Wirtschaftskammer Wien within the organization. The channelization and coordination of digital services for our members, as well as the digitization of internal processes are part of my responsibilities. Further, I coordinate the communication between my organization and sister organizations around Austria, when it comes to digital matters. Additional I am responsible for organizational development measures concerning the implementation of new digital tools in the Wirtschaftskammer Wien.

Why I love my job

I love my job because I come in touch with the newest technological developments every day. The rapid progresses in technology are of course challenging, but much more importantly, are chances for my organization and our members. To develop strategies and measures out of this progress for the economy is one of the most interesting activities I could imagine.

Important skills in my job

  • analytical thinking
  • strategic thinking
  • networking skills
  • creativity
  • project management
  • ability to present in front of groups of people

The best experiences in my job

The best experience in my job until now was the development, planning and implementation of an internal training course for digital topics. With a new and creative approach which includes training on the workplace and employees as coaches, we were able to reach 10 % of the staff. Instead of the planned four training days we already held 15 days of training and there are more to come. These numbers outstripped all our expectations and the course now is used as model for further trainings.

How I found my current job

I found my current job pretty much as you would expect how I found it. I applied for a traineeship and after a few interviews I got it. After ¾ of my time as trainee the human resources department asked me if I could imagine a further career in the organization and if I would be interested in a job at the Strategy and IT-Management Division. After an interview with the head of the Strategy Division I was offered my current job.

What I learned for this job during my studies

  • presentational skills an techniques
  • project management (basics)
  • analytical thinking

Job prospects in my area

Because every business in Austria has to be a member of the Wirtschaftskammer, the range of jobs and topics in my organization is very comprehensive. Because of this range of topics many job opportunities and possibilities to advance ones career are given.

I am

  • open for change and new ideas
  • network oriented
  • pragmatic
  • analytical

About my Job

My job really is diversified and does not just give me the possibility to develop my professional, but also my personal skills. Because I am responsible for digitization I get the chance to visit innovation hubs, idea labs, and think tanks. I am able to implement the ideas and creativity I see there in my daily job, and my creative new ways of doing something are valued highly. I appreciate this freedom in my job very much and get supported in any way I could wish.

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