FH JOANNEUM Automotive Engineering Alte Poststraße 149 Room AP149.01.147 8020 Graz Austria
Graduated in 2000 from the University of Manchester, UK, with a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Modern Languages & Culture. The main language of focus was German, while my thesis concentrated on the internal policies of the communist party in Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s.
Read German and Russian languages at the University of Manchester and graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts joint honours degree (B.A.(Hons)).
Selected Previous Work Experience
Internationales Sprachzentrum an der Universität Graz: langauge instructor from 2003 to 2006.
Via Lingua Teaching Training, Prague & Chania (Crete): 2001 - 2003, General Manager / Teacher Trainer.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Casey, A.; Bratschitsch, E.; Millward-Sadler, A.: "Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Strategies for improving international experience and employability skills of undergraduate students of vehicle engineering".
Bischof, G., Bratschitsch, E.; Casey, A.; Lechner, T., Lengauer, M.; Millward-Sadler, A.; Rubeša D.; Steinmann C.: "The Impact of the Formula Student Competition on Undergraduate Research Projects". Proceedings of the 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio/Texas, 2009
Millward-Sadler; A.J.; Casey, A.; Bratschitsch, E.: "Using Web 2.0 Technologies in the Automotive Engineering Language Classroom as a Tool to Improve Writing Skills and Prepare Students for the International Workplace", Proceedings of ASEE Conference & Exposition, Austin /Texas, 2009
Millward-Sadler, A.J.; Casey A. & Newman F.: Facilitating Engineering Students in the Language Classroom: Multiple Intelligences Profiles to Improve Language Competence, ASEE Paper: AC2010-242, Proceedings of ASEE Conference & Exposition, Louisville, 20.-23. June 2010
Bratschitsch, E; Millward-Sadler, A.: Praxis-Oriented Engineering Education in Vehicle Technology Studies - Challenges and Solutions, Proceedings of ASEE Conference & Exposition, Louisville, 20.-23. June 2010
Millward-Sadler, A.J., Casey, A. & Tatzl, D., 2011, Theory into Practice: Using a Multiple Intelligences Approach to Adapt LSP Materials, Languages for Specific Purposes Challenges and Prospects, Belgrade: Foreign Language Association of Serbia, pp.40-54
Millward-Sadler, A.J., Casey, A. & Tatzl, D., 2011, A Study of Engineering Students' Learning Preferences: a multiple intelligences approach, Professional and Academic English 37, pp. 8-15
Millward-Sadler, A.J., Casey, A. & Tatzl, D., 2011, Investigation of a multiple-intelligences profile for engineering students, IATEFL 2010: Harrogate Conference Selections (Proceedings), Canterbury: IATEFL, pp. 140-143
Tatzl, D., Casey, A. & Millward-Sadler, A.J., 2012, Business and engineering communication simulations using authentic online material, IATEFL 2011: Brighton Conference Selections (Selected Proceedings), Canterbury: IATEFL, pp. 181-183.
Tatzl, D., Millward-Sadler, A., & Casey, A. (Eds.). (2012). English for Specific Purposes across the Disciplines: Practices and Experiences. Graz: Leykam.
Millward-Sadler, A. (2012). Get Away: a concordance study of student use (and misuse) of the lemma "get" within formal writing assignments. In D. Tatzl, A. Millward-Sadler, & A. Casey, English for Specific Purposes across the Disciplines: Practices and Experiences (pp. 94-105). Graz: Leykam.
Millward-Sadler, A., Saying it Right: Austrian-German students use of get in scientific writing. In A. N. Archibald (Ed.), Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, (pp. 171-174). London: Scitsiugnil Press.
Selected Conference Presentations
Filling the gaps: targeted English for struggling ESP undergraduates
45th IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21st March 2012 (available at http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2012/sessions/2012-03-21/filling-gaps-targeted-english-struggling-esp-undergraduates)
Plenary speech: Theory into Practice: Adapting Learning Materials to Students’ Learning Preferences
2nd International Conference on Languages fro Specific Purposes, Foreign Language and Literature Association of Serbia, University of Belgrade, 4-5 February 2011 (with Annette Casey).
Online Country Profiles and Travel Guides in Teaching English for Specific Purposes
The International Language Conference on The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures 2010, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2010 (with Annette Casey and Dietmar Tatzl).
Social Networking & e-Portfolios: Web 2.0 in the EFL Engineering Classroom
Austrian U.A.S. Language Instructors’ Conference, FH-Technikum Vienna, Austria, 2010