FH JOANNEUM Business Informatics and Data Science Eckertstraße, 30i 8020 Graz
University of Technology Graz: Studies of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Economics
PROMATIS Consulting Sales Consultant of solutions for business process management (BPM) with ORACLE Tools Pre- and Post-Sales-Consulting for INCOME (BPM-Tool)
University of Technology Graz – Department for General Management and Organization – research assistant Lecturer for "IT operations", "Information Management", "General Management - Case Studies" Projects: e. g. Coaching with evaluating a BPM Tool
MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik Graz Engineering: Head of Department Engineering Organisation and product data management Informatics & Organization: Assistant to the CIO for Innovation Management: Support with building up IT-Governance-Methods (business process modelling and documentation, Balanced Scorecard, CIP, IT-Roadmapping, IT-Architecture...) management of special IT projects