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Mag. (FH) Dr.

Daniel Binder


Senior Lecturer (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 6724



Health and Tourism Management
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
Room KF24.02.221
8344 Bad Gleichenberg


Daniel Binder lives in Riegersburg, Styria. He studied health management in tourism and currently works both at FH JOANNEUM as a senior lecturer at the Institute for Health and Tourism Management and at the Tourism Association Thermen- & Vulkanland as a project manager. He teaches in the Bachelor's and Master's degree program with a focus on marketing, destination management, tourism sociology, event economics as well as communication and digitalization. Daniel Binder has supervised around 100 bachelor's theses and more than 20 master's theses to date. From 2017 to 2022, he served as bachelor thesis coordinator and has been responsible for the institute's marketing issues since 2007. Daniel Binder has been actively involved in several curriculum development processes and serves as module coordinator for marketing and communication at the institute. From 2014 to 2019, Daniel Binder was the course director for the International Hospitality and Spa Management MBA program.

In his role as project manager, Daniel Binder has raised around half a million euros in industry and grant projects. He led several projects dealing with digital competence in tourism, guest expectations, regional development and quality of life of residents:inside in tourism regions. Daniel Binder recently completed his doctoral studies in the joint Joint Ph.D. program for International Economics and Business Relations at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland and the Doctoral School of the University of Sopron, Hungary. In his dissertation he dealt with strengthening the quality of life of residents in rural destinations.

Selected research projects
ATLAS Annual Conference 23 (2022-2023): Project Leader; Budget planning, project development, leadership; funded by Styrian Government, funded by Austrian Ministry of Economics
Evaluation Employer Branding (2023-2024): Project Leader; Planning and research on employee’s satisfaction with employer branding activities within a destination
MOOC4Tourism (2022-2024): Project Leader; Developing and educating employees in tourism in digital basis skills by developing a Massive Open Online Course; funded by Austrian Chamber of Labor
Tourism concept „Gleichenberger Bahn“ (2021): Project Leader; Developing a tourism concept for a local train; Coordination, research, workshop moderation, final reporting
Guest Survey Region Thermen- und Vulkanland Styria (2020-2021): Project Leader; Mixed method approach; Leadership, workshop moderation, dissemination
Digi-T – Digital Literacy in Styrian Tourism (2018-2019): Project Leader; Management of a guest research project for a health and spa region in Styria
TOURIST - Competence centers for the development of sustainable tourism in Thailand and Vietnam 585785-EPP-1-2017-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2018-2019): Project researcher
Guest research for a tourism association in Styria (2017) Project Leader; Management of a guest research project for a health and spa region in Styria
Focus groups for a thermal spa in Styria (2017): Project Leader: Management of qualitative guest research to understand guest satisfaction and identify potentials
WelDest – Health and Well-Being in Tourism Destinations; 527775-LLP-1-2012-1-FI-ERASMUS-ECUE (2012-2014) Project Leader: Development of research, responsible for dissemination activities for the consortium
ILIS - Innovations and Learning in Spa Management; 142759-LLP-1-2008-1-FI-ERASMUS-ECUE (2008-2010): Project Leader: Project management, controlling, research
MTW – Making Tourism Work; HU/06/B/F/PP-170025 (2008): Project Member; Final reporting; financial statement, final dissemination

Selected publications:
Binder, D., Friedl, H. & Miller, J. (2023). The ethics of sufficiency: The Edelsbach Tulip Festival as a best practice example of sustainable event culture. In O’Rourke, T. & Koščak, M. (Hg.). Ethical & responsible tourism: Managing sustainability in local tourism destinations. 2nd ed. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis

Binder, D. (2022). Impact of an integrated tourism concept to strengthen the perceived quality of life in rural destinations (Dissertation). Soproni Egyetem, Sopron.

Binder, D., Friedl, H., & Macher, S. (2022). Destinationen als qualitätsvoller Lebensraum. FFH2022.

Macher, S., & Binder, D. (2022). Digital Customer Journey. D. Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of tourism management and marketing. Cheltenham, England: Elgar Online. ISBN: 978 1 80037 747 9

Gutounig, R., Phillips, B., Radkohl, S., Macher, S., Schaffer, K., & Binder, D. (2022). Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality. In R. P. S. Kaurav & D. Gursoy (Hrsg.), Handbook on Tourism and Social Media. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 80037 140 8

Koščak, M., Knežević, M., Binder, D., Pelaez-Verdet, A., Işik, C., Mićić, V., . . . Šegota, T. (2021). Exploring the neglected voices of children in sustainable tourism development: A comparative study in six European tourist destinations. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1–20.

Binder, D., & Miller, J. W. (2021). A Generations' Perspective on Employer Branding in Tourism. In V. G. Costa, A. A. Moura, & M. d. R. Mira (Eds.), Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry. Human capital and people management in the tourism industry (pp. 152–174). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.

Binder, D., Friedl, H. & Miller, J. (2019). The ethics of sufficiency: The Edelsbach Tulip Festival as a best practice example of sustainable event culture. In O’Rourke, T. & Koščak, M. (Hg.). Ethical & responsible tourism: Managing sustainability in local tourism destinations. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis

Binder, D. (2017). The power of festivals to strengthen cultural identity and favor place branding. In M. Skare (Ed.) Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers (p. 101-112). University of Applied Science Burgenland.

Binder, D., Lukas, Ch. & Szabó Z. (2017). The impact of user-generated content on Facebook on travel destination choices: A comparison of Austrian tourism students and non-tourism students. In: Forum on Economics and Business 20(131), 56-77.

Tuominen, T., Saari, S. & Binder, D. (2017). Enhancing the competitiveness of a wellness tourism destination. In. Smith, M. & Puczko, L. (Hg). Handbook of Health Tourism. Vol. 2. London: Routledge.

Binder, D., Faix, N. & Miller, J. (2016). Well-Being and Employment in Tourism. ATLAS Tourism and Leisure Review, Volume 2016-1.

Bielanski, M., Saari, S. Wilkonska, A., Tuominen, T., Mora, I., Binder, D. et al. (2011). Challenges for the European Spa Management. Results of the ILIS Project. Polish Journal of Sport Tourism 18(2), 160–165, ISSN: 1899-1998

Presentations at scientific conferences:
Macher, S.; Binder, D. (2022) Harnessing The Digital Future Of Tourism. Präsentation an der International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR), Mini Track “Digital Literacy in Tourism”. 19.05.2022, Porto, Portugal

Binder, D., Friedl, A. H., & Macher, S. (2022, 20-21 April). Destinationen als qualitätsvoller Lebensraum. [Konferenzpräsentation]. 15. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Villach, Kärnten.

Binder, D., Phillips, B. (2022). Digital Literacy in Tourism. 5th International Conference on Tourism Research 2022, Vila do Conde, PRT, 19.-20.05.2022, [Editors of conference track]

Binder, D. & Anderle, L. (2021). Destination Resilience: Bridging theory and practice for destination management strategies. Presentation at International Scientific Conference: Pandemic, sustainable management, environmental awareness. 04.11.2021, Sopron: University of Sopron, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics.

Binder, D. (2019). Employer branding in tourism: A generations‘ perspective. Presentation at International Scientific Conference: Modern economy, smart development. 07.11.2019, Sopron: University of Sopron, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics.

Miller, J., Binder, D. & Friedl, H. (2019). Developing a culture of sustainable events: The Styrian initiative “Gscheit feiern”. Paper presented at the Tourism Naturally Conference, 04.06.2019, Buxton, UK.

Binder, D., Lukas, Ch. & Szabó Z. (2017). Influence of User Generated Content on Facebook on choices of travel destinations: A comparison of Austrian tourism students and non-tourism students. 3rd International Conference on Economics and Business Management, (27.10.2017). Cluj: Hungarian Economist's Society of Romania.

Binder, D. (2017). The unattractiveness of apprenticeships in tourism: An approach to solving current and future challenges. IFITT Doctoral Summer School @ ISCONTOUR 2017. (15.-16. Mai). Salzburg: FH Salzburg.

Binder, D. (2017). Strengthen Cultural Identity by festivals: An Austrian case study. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers. (05.05.2017). Eisenstadt: FH Burgenland.

Binder, D. (2017). Gesundheitstouristische Destinationsentwicklung in der Lehre: Evaluierung der Lehrveranstaltung Destinationsmanagement. 11. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, (19.-20. April). Krems: FH IMC Krems.

Adamer-König, E., Binder, D., Tuttner, S., Amort, F. (2017). Diffusion von Public Health Wissen in unterschiedliche berufliche Tätigkeitsfeldern von FH-AbsolventInnen. Österreichische Public Health Tagung (11.-12.03.2017): Eisenstadt: FH Burgenland.

Presentations, blog articles, div.:
Binder, D. (2022). Tourismus und Lebensqualität im ländlichen Raum. 22.12.2022, Vortrag im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Tourismus quo vadis?“, FH München.

Binder, D. (2022) Lebensqualität in der Tourismusentwicklung. 06.09.2022, Vortrag auf Einladung des Rotarier Clubs Feldbach: Feldbach.

Binder, D. & Macher, S. (2022). Gästeerwartungen im Thermen- und Vulkanland. 21.06.2022, Vollversammlung Thermen- und Vulkanland. Feldbach: Im Zentrum.

Binder, D. (2021). Measuring and Monitoring Destination Quality of Life of Population. 15.12.2021., CESTour. Sustainable tourism knowledge transfer. Training of the trainers. Online.

Radkohl, S. & Binder, D. (2021). Digi-T: Digital Literacy im steirischen Tourismus. Mit Wissen und Kompetenz digitale Herausforderungen entlang der Customer Journey meistern. TTR Tirol Tourism Research [Fachblogbeitrag].

Binder, D. (2020). Digital Customer Journey im Tourismus. Präsentation bei ARGE OptIn “Der digitale Gast”. 30.01.2020, Graz: Know-Center.

Macher, S. & Binder D. (2020) Digitalisierung im Tourismus – Zusammenspiel von Tourismusorganisationen und Betrieben. APA-OTS Tourismuspresse-Blog. Download von

Binder, D. (2018). Wine Events in Austria: Best Practises. Presentation on invitation of the International Wine Marketing Academy, 25.09.2018. Budapest Business School.

Binder, D. (2017). Selling Wellness Tourism in Austria. Keynote Speech at 1st Health and Medical Tourism Conference. Invitation by Ministry of Tourism and the Bulgarian Health and Medical Tourism Association: Sofia.

Binder, D. & Dvorak, D. (2014). WelDest. Health and Well-being in Tourism Destination. Presentation at the Well-being Conference (16.09.2014). Turku: Turku University of Applied Sciences.
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