FH JOANNEUM Journalism and Digital Media Alte Poststraße 152 Room AP152.01.118 8020 Graz Austria
Research interests Content Strategy, Internet Studies, Digital Journalism, Web Literacy, Digital Ethics
Education German Philology, Philosophy, Cultural Management and Information- and Knowledge Management at the University of Graz, Austria, and the University of Siena, Italy. Degree in German Philology. PhD in Philosophy from the University of Graz, focusing on knowledge processes in digital network structures. Mediation Training based on the Austrian Civil Mediation Law at the University of Graz, Austria Postgraduate University Course “International Project Management” at the University of Graz, Austria
Memberships Associated Member of Wissensmanagement Forum (Graz, Austria)
Scientific Functions Member of the Ethics Working Group of the FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences Board (since 2025); deputy member of the FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences Board (since 2024); Person of trust and member of the advisory body for clarifying ethical concerns in the context of scientific issues at FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences; chairman of the Conference of the Directors of Studies at FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (winter term 20/21), Deputy Chairmen of the Conference of the Directors of Studies at FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (summer term 20; summer term 21); Member of the working group "Evaluation" of the University of Applied Sciences Board at FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (2021-2022); Member of the Board of FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (2020-2023); Member of the scientific board of the Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children and Youth (Graz, Austria), member of Open Knowledge Maps Advisor Community (until March 2021), member of the Open Science working group of the Open Knowledge Foundation Austria (until 2019) and member of the working group "Open Access und Scholarly Communication" of Open Access Network Austria (OANA) (2015/16)
Work experience Traineeship at the European Commission, Project Manager New Media at the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG), Country Manager Austria of a crowdsourcing design platform.
Teaching experience at various universities: University of Graz (Austria), Danube University Krems (Austria), Medical University of Graz (Austria), Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Applied Sciences Campus 02 (Graz, Austria)
Publications - Binder, D., Gutounig, R., & Phillips, B. (Eds.). (2024). Digital Literacy im Tourismus: Perspektiven – Modelle – Potentiale [Digital literacy in tourism: perspectives - models – potentials]. Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH. https://doi.org/10.60588/nhgt-wp24
- Dennerlein, S., Wolf-Brenner, C., Gutounig, R., Schweiger, S., & Pammer-Schindler, V. (2024). Methoden und Tools zur ethischen Reflexion in der agilen Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz [Methods and tools for ethical reflection in the agile development of artificial intelligence] . In Health Care und Künstliche Intelligenz. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
- Malli, G., Gutounig, R., & Goldgruber, E. (2023). Infoslide education and “trojan journalism”: Encouraging young people’s political participation on social media. Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2023. Critical Issues in Science, Technology‚ and Society Studies. https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-976-6.
- Gutounig, R. (2022). Guter Content. Vom Wert digitaler Artefakte [Good content. The value of digital artefacts]. In Das Klima der Kommunikation: 20 Thesen für heisse Zeiten (pp. 133–141). dbv-Verlag.
- Gutounig, R., Radkohl, S., Goldgruber, E., & Stoiber, C. (2022). Datenjournalismus: Die Transformation journalistischer Arbeitsabläufe und Produkte durch Visualisierung und Analyse von Daten [Data Journalism: The Transformation of Journalistic Workflows and Products through Visualisation and Analysis of Data]. In Die digitale Transformation der Medien (pp. 325–345). Springer.
- Hart, P., Gutounig, R., & Sackl-Sharif, S. (2022). Verteiltes Arbeiten und Digital Literacies während der Covid-19-Pandemie [Distributed Work and Digital Literacies during the Covid 19 Pandemic]. Proc. 15th Forschungsforum der öst. Fachhochschulen, Villach. http://ffhoarep.fh-ooe.at/handle/123456789/1617
- Hart, P., Sackl-Sharif, S., Gutounig, R., Taberhofer, A., & Rauter, R. (2022). Verteiltes Arbeiten während der COVID-19-Pandemie: Bestandsaufnahme, Diskriminierungspotenziale, Handlungsempfehlungen [Distributed work during the COVID 19 pandemic: stocktaking, potential for discrimination, recommendations for action]. In Arbeit, Prekariat und COVID-19 (pp. 99–117). Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-35997-3_6 [English version: Hart, P., Sackl-Sharif, S., Gutounig, R., Taberhofer, A., & Rauter, R. (2023). Distributed Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Inventory, Discrimination Potentials, Recommendations for Action. In C. Pichler & C. Küffner (Eds.), Work, Precarity and COVID-19 (pp. 93–109). Springer Fachmedien. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42020-8_6]
- Gutounig, R., Phillips, B., Radkohl, S., Macher, S., Schaffer, K., & Binder, D. (2022). Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality. In R. P. S. Kaurav & D. Gursoy (Eds.), Handbook on Tourism and Social Media. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Rauter, R., Lerch, A., Lederer-Hutsteiner, T., Klinger, S., Mayr, A., Gutounig, R., & Pammer-Schindler, V. (2020). Digital und/oder analog? Zusammenarbeit am Arbeitsplatz aus der Perspektive österreichischer Unternehmen [Digital and/or analogue? Cooperation in the workplace from the perspective of Austrian companies]. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management. https://doi.org/10.1365/s35764-020-00307-6
- Dennerlein, S., Wolf-Brenner, C., Gutounig, R., Schweiger, S., & Pammer-Schindler, V. (2020). Guiding Socio-Technical Reflection of Ethical Principles in TEL Software Development: The SREP Framework. In C. Alario-Hoyos, M. J. Rodríguez-Triana, M. Scheffel, I. Arnedillo-Sánchez, & S. M. Dennerlein (Hrsg.), Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education (S. 386–391). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57717-9_32
- Lerch, A., Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, R., & Rauter, R. (2020). Social Technologies und ihre Anwendung am Arbeitsplatz aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive [Social Technologies and their application at the workplace from an interdisciplinary perspective]. In Intensivierung der Arbeit. Perspektiven auf Arbeitszeit und technologischen Wandel [Intensification of work. Perspectives on work time and technological change] (S. 101–112). new academic press. - 978-3-7003-2115-6
- Pauschenwein, J., & Gutounig, R. (ed.). (2019). Online Didaktik. Der Vielfalt der Lernenden gerecht werden [Online didactics. Doing justice to the diversity of learners]. Tagungsband zum 18. E-Learning-Tag der FH JOANNEUM am 12.9.2019. Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH.
- Stoiber, C., Rind, A., Grassinger, F., Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., Sedlmair, M., … Aigner, W. (2019). netflower: Dynamic Network Visualization for Data Journalists. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis ’19), 38(3). http://ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~rind/preprint/stoiber_2019_netflower_postprint.pdf
- Ruiz-Scarfuto, R., Svels, K., & Gutounig, R. (2019). Art Moves in Self Organizing Social Media: Virtual Dynamics Impact Tourism Reality. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tourism Research ICTR 2019. Porto, Portugal: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
- Gutounig, R. (2018). Design for Nomadic Learning. Digital vernetztes Lernen in einem berufsbegleitenden Studiengang [Design for Nomadic Learning. Digitally networked learning in a part-time course of study].
- Sackl-Sharif, S., Goldgruber, E., Ausserhofer, J., Gutounig, R., & Reimerth, G. (2018). Flows of Water and Information: Reconstructing Online Communication During the 2013 European Floods in Austria. In H. Hornmoen & K. Backholm (Eds.), Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication (pp. 155–181). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78756-269-120181012
- Goldgruber, E., Sackl-Sharif, S., Ausserhofer, J., & Gutounig, R. (2018). When the Levee Breaks: Recommendations for Social Media Use During Environmental Disasters. In Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication (Vols 1–0, pp. 229–253). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78756-269-120181015 - Gutounig, R., Rauter, R., Sackl-Sharif, S., Klinger, S., & Dennerlein, S. (2018). Zwischen Produktivität und Überlastung. Auswirkungen digitalisierter Arbeitsprozesse im Gesundheitsdienstleistungsbereich am Beispiel Krankenhaus [Between productivity and overload. Effects of digitalized work processes in the health care service sector - the example of hospitals]. In Proc. 12th Forschungsforum der öst. Fachhochschulen. Salzburg.
- Goldgruber, E., Sackl-Sharif, S., Gutounig, R., & Ausserhofer, J. (2017). Social Media as a Crisis Communication Arena: Digging Into New Communication Spaces. In ECSM 2017 Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Social Media Research (pp. 115–123). Vilnius, Lithuania: ACPIL.
- Ausserhofer, J., Gutounig, R., Oppermann, M., Matiasek, S., & Goldgruber, E. (2017). The datafication of data journalism scholarship: Focal points, methods, and research propositions for the investigation of data-intensive newswork. Journalism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884917700667
- Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., Dennerlein, S., & Schweiger, S. (2016). Mehr als ein Kommunikationstool. Wissensmanagement-Potenziale von Social Software am Beispiel von Slack [More than just a communication tool. Knowledge management potentials of social software using Slack as an example]. In Wissen schafft Neues. Beiträge zu den Kremser Wissensmanagement-Tagen 2016 (pp. 17–27). Krems: Edition-Donau-Univ. Krems.
- Goldgruber, E., Gutounig, R., Dennerlein, S., & Schweiger, S. (2016). Potenziale von ‘Slack’ im E-Learning [Potentials of Slack in e-learning]. In E-Learning: Warum nicht? Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Methoden und Werkzeugen (pp. 130–136). Graz, Austria: Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH.
- Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., & Schweiger, S. (2016). Web 2.0 Messaging Tools for Knowledge Management? Exploring the Potentials of Slack. In S. Moffett & B. Galbraith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17h European Conference on Knowledge Management. (pp. 225–232). Belfast: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
- Kraker, P., Dörler, D., Ferus, A., Gutounig, R., Heigl, F., Kaier, C., … Wandl-Vogt, E. (2016). The Vienna Principles: A Vision for Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century. doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.55597
- Andrews, K., Traunmüller, T., Wolkinger, T., Goldgruber, E., Gutounig, R., & Ausserhofer, J. (2016). Styrian Diversity Visualisation: Visualising Statistical Open Data with a LeanWeb App and Data Server. In EuroVis Posters 2016. The Eurographics Association. doi:10.2312/eurp.20161150.
- Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., Ausserhofer, J., Traunmüller, T., Andrews, K., & Wolkinger, T. (2016). The Styrian Diversity Visualisation Project: Communicating Data Stories with an Open Data Visualisation Web App. In Proc. 10th Forschungsforum der öst. Fachhochschulen. Vienna, Austria: FH des BFI Wien.
- Niederer, C., Rind, A., Aigner, W., Ausserhofer, J., Gutounig, R., & Sedlmair, M. (2016). Visual Exploration of Media Transparency for Data Journalists: Problem Characterization and Abstraction. In Proc. 10th Forschungsforum der öst. Fachhochschulen. Vienna, Austria: FH des BFI Wien.
- Lukac, M., & Gutounig R. (2015). From Usage Guides to Wikipedia. Recontextualizing the discourse on language use. In Discourse In and Through the Media. Recontextualizing and Reconceptualizing Expert Discourse (pp. 315–342). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Andrews, K., Traunmüller, T., Wolkinger, T., Gutounig, R., Ausserhofer, J. (2015). Building an Open Data Visualisation Web App using a Data Server: The Styrian Diversity Visualisation Project. Demo paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business (i-KNOW 2015). Graz, Austria.
- Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, R., Kaiser, R., Barreiros, C., & Rauter, R. (2015). Knowledge Strategies in Organisations – a Case for the Barcamp Format. In M. Massaro & A. Garlatti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Udine, Italy. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4145.5846
- Gutounig, R., & Unterberger, U. (2015). Conceptualizing Web Philosophy: Humanities and the Analysis of the Digital Society. The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies, 13(3), 23–32.
- Gutounig, R. (2015). Wissen in digitalen Netzwerken. Potenziale Neuer Medien für Wissensprozesse [Knowledge in digital networks. Potentials of new media for knowledge processes]. Springer.
- Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, R., Kraker, P., Kaiser, R., Rauter, R. & Ausserhofer, J. (2013). Assessing Barcamps: Incentives for Participation in Ad-Hoc Conferences and the Role of Social Media. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies.
- Gutounig R.: Wissensorientierung in digitalen Netzwerkstrukturen. Potenziale Neuer Medien für Wissensprozesse [Knowledge orientation in digital network structures. Potentials of new media for knowledge processes] Doctoral dissertation. University of Graz 2012.
- Gutounig, R.: Social Media and Self-Organization: Potentials for Knowledge Processes and Social Change. In: Hofstätter, Birgit & Getzinger, Günter (eds.). Proceedings of the 10th Annual IAS-STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies, 2nd-3rd May 2011.
- Gutounig, R: Wissensprozesse in digitalen Netzwerkstrukturen. Dynamische Gleichgewichte und Ungleichgewichte zwischen Anwendungs- und Orientierungswissen [Knowledge processes in digital network structures. Dynamic equilibria and disequilibria between application knowledge and orientation knowledge]. In: Erstausgabe. Veröffentlichungen junger WissenschafterInnen der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Volume 2 Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (ed.). Uni Press Graz 2009. - Gutounig, R., Ditzel, B., Sammer, M., Tuppinger, J., Willfort, R: Grundlagen des Wissensmanagements. In: Praxishandbuch Wissensmanagement. Integratives Wissensmanagement. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 2007.
- Gutounig, R. Bauer, R, Hartlieb, E., Hofer, F., Humpl, B., Sodian, A., Wöls, K: Wissens- u. Erfahrungstransfer. In: Praxishandbuch Wissensmanagement. Integratives Wissensmanagement. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 2007.
- Gutounig, R., Humpl, B., Primus, A., Rollett, H.: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. In: Praxishandbuch Wissensmanagement. Integratives Wissensmanagement. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 2007.