Tanja Psonder. test administrator
E: tanja.psonder@fh-joanneum.at
T: +43 316 5453 – 8212
Christoph Hofrichter. test organisation
E: languages@fh-joanneum.at
T: +43 316 5453 – 8822
The TOEFL ITP exam at FH JOANNEUM is NOT the TOEFL iBT exam. Please make sure BEFORE registering for the exam whether the ITP exam is sufficient for you.
Do you need internationally recognised proof of your English language skills for your studies or an internship semester abroad? Would you like to complete your CV and improve your language skills for your next job application? Then the TOEFL test is the right choice for you! FH JOANNEUM has been an official TOEFL test centre since 2023 and offers up to six test dates per year.
The TOEFL® Test sets global standards for English-language assessment in academic environments and is a member of the TOEFL® product line. The TOEFL ITP® offers colleges, universities, English-language learning programs and other organizations the opportunity to administer a convenient, affordable and reliable assessment of English-language skills. The TOEFL ITP® test assesses students‘ proficiency levels in the skill areas of reading and listening comprehension as well as structure and written expression.
TOEFL is about…
FH JOANNEUM is an official Test Center of TOEFL ITP® Test since May 2023.
The test on all dates takes place from 14:00 to 16:00. You will be informed of the location in advance by e-mail.
Registration and payment (credit card, bank transfer) are made exclusively online using our registration form via the following link:
The exam fee for the TOEFL ITP® test is currently €150.
TOEFL ITP® offers its own practice materials. These can be ordered directly from the TOEFL ITP® homepage. Please click on the link below: