Based on the decisions taken by the federal government, FH JOANNEUM is switching its study traffic light system to ORANGE. This means FH JOANNEUM will transition to distance learning and the proportion of online teaching will increase to up to 100%. In-person classes will be restricted to practical sessions that are absolutely necessary and adhere to strict safety and hygiene standards.
COVID-19 update: distance learning – safety for all of us!
Linda Schwarz
FH JOANNEUM is switching to distance learning. Necessary practice formats are possible in attendance. Photo: FH JOANNEUM
The health of our students, lecturers and employees is very important to us and for this reason FH JOANNEUM will transition to distance learning during the 2020/2021 winter semester. Despite the restrictions this entails, we intend to support our students with their learning and studying and enable them to take exams. Practical sessions and exams that are absolutely necessary and cannot be substituted by online options, insofar as they have to be taken in person, can continue to take place in person by adhering to the FH JOANNEUM safety and hygiene standards. This includes laboratory exercises, workshop practicals and practical teaching in the health studies programs. The head of your degree program will keep you informed about the impact the new measures will have on your studies in due time.
General rules: admission and conduct
Please reduce social contacts in your personal environment and limit your stay on the campus or in the FH JOANNEUM buildings to visiting the practice formats that cannot be substituted online. Essentially, the rules are: keep your distance, wear a face mask, adhere to the hygiene rules and avoid gathering in groups – even on open spaces such as balconies, smoking areas and in front of buildings!
Use hand sanitizer when entering the building. Follow coughing and sneezing etiquette and maintain good hand hygiene. If you feel unwell, stay at home. We can only protect each other if we work together.
Admission to the buildings is only possible with a valid student ID card or employee ID card.
Students must wear a face mask on FH JOANNEUM until further notice. The following rules apply:
- A face mask must be worn in all communal areas of FH JOANNEUM, including corridors, foyers, lifts, toilets, cafeteria, library, social and learning areas.
- A face mask must be worn during all lectures and practical sessions held in person at FH JOANNEUM.
- A face mask must be worn during all exams which take place in person at FH JOANNEUM.
Students who do not adhere to these rules may be expelled from the premises. Students are required to bring a face mask with them.
Common areas
The learning zones and common areas at FH JOANNEUM will be restricted and only one person per table will be allowed to sit. Students are requested to reduce their time on campus or in the FH JOANNEUM buildings by visiting the practice formats defined by the course management that cannot be substituted online.
The library will maintain a limited contactless service: Students can collect pre-ordered media from the libraries in Bad Gleichenberg, Graz WEST (Eggenberg) and Kapfenberg. The online scanning service is also available for the procurement of literature. Please use the returns box provided to return items. The reading rooms of the library are closed. More information here.
Procedure in the event of a suspected case of COVID-19
The FH JOANNEUM task force has devised detailed processes for reporting suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. See here for details of the procedure for handling suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. Please read this document carefully so that you know exactly what to do, if required!
Students must report all suspected or confirmed cases.
In the case of a suspected case of COVID-19, the following essentially applies:
- Stay at home as soon as COVID-19 symptoms emerge (fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, catarrh or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell).
- Contact the health hotline (tel. 1450) immediately and follow their instructions.
- Inform us and your head of degree program immediately at and provide all of your relevant details and contacts using the Covid-19 reporting form
- All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM in consultation with the health authorities.
When is a case classed as suspected COVID-19?
- With the emergence of COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell).
- After coming into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, even if you are not displaying any of the typical symptoms.
- In the case of developing other non-COVID symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea , the following additional criteria apply: Following return from areas with a high level of the virus or following previous contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 while on the premises of FH JOANNEUM:
- Isolate yourself, put on a face mask and call the health hotline immediately (tel. 1450).
- Inform us and your head of degree program immediately at and provide all of your relevant details and contacts using the Covid-19 reporting form
- All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM in consultation with the health authorities.
All data protection-related information can be found in the Covid-19 reporting form.
No events are taking place at present. Many events are offered online; more information can be found under Events on the website.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone +43 316 5453 – 8800 or our social media channels Facebook and Instagram. Stay healthy – we can do it together!