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SMART City Kapfenberg

SMART City Kapfenberg 8

Renewable energy, soft mobility and green oases in Kapfenberg – this is the focus of the SMART City Kapfenberg project team. The focus is on the model areas \”Hochschwabsiedlung\” and \”Bandstruktur Wiener Straße\” as well as the topics of photovoltaic potential and digitalization. Particular attention is being paid to the involvement of residents and businesses.

The city of Kapfenberg, which is also home to one of the three FH JOANNEUM sites, is the third largest city in Styria and is dominated by the iron and steel industry. While numerous attractiveness measures have already been implemented in the city center, the region is still characterized by working-class settlements from the 1950s and 1960s with buildings in need of renovation and social segregation. In the SMART City Kapfenberg project, several optimization potentials are to be exploited simultaneously through cooperative planning processes, the integration of renewable energies and the enhancement of the quality of stay in the affected areas.
The key to achieving these goals lies in the participation of all stakeholders. These range from successful entrepreneurs to economically and socially disadvantaged marginalized groups.

HOCHSCHWAB settlement festival

As a kick-off event for the consistently user-centered, participatory and social innovation process, all interested parties were invited to the Europahaus in the Hochschwab settlement on March 31 to present initial ideas and, above all, to collect the wishes and ideas of the residents.
An improvisation theater group provided for loosening up, which represented the catchphrase from the visitor circle around the energy turnaround for the approximately 120 present persons once completely differently.

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Words of welcome from Mayor Friedrich Kratzer. Photo: Tina Semlegger

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Afterwards, there were lively discussions in small groups. Photo: Tina Semlegger

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FH JOANNEUM experts were available to answer questions. Photo: Tina Semlegger

Have your say, participate, help shape the future

Active dialogs are planned on an ongoing basis under the motto “ZUKUNFT Hochschwabsiedlung”. In the course of approximately three-hour meetings, design options for the interior and exterior of the residential properties will be discussed interactively together with residents and interested parties. The first workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Interested parties are welcome to register for this and other follow-up dates at any time at the following link:
Co-designing the Hochschwab Settlement

Band structure Wiener Straße

The second model area extends along Wiener Straße between “Am Sagacker” and “Zugang Bahnhof”. Here, measures are to be taken to increase the quality of stay. This can be done, for example, by unsealing and creating new green spaces.
If you spend a lot of time in this area, please support the project with your opinion. The following link will take you directly to the survey, which will serve as the data basis for further steps:
Survey on the quality of living and staying in the band structure Wiener Straße

Project Objective:

At the end of the project, socially innovative operating or business models should be implemented, which not only make a significant contribution to climate protection in Kapfenberg, but also have a positive impact on the population and social coexistence.
The project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is being carried out as part of the “Lighthouses for Resilient Cities 2040” program.


For more information on the project’s progress, visit the SMARTCITY BLOG!

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