Students in Kapfenberg (IT, engineering and industrial management) can choose courses from the International Program in Kapfenberg. Students in Bad Gleichenberg (health and tourism studies) can choose from the International Program in Bad Gleichenberg.
Students in the field of business and administration in Graz can choose the Global Business Program (bachelor) or Global Strategic Management (master).
Students in Graz who are not studying business and administration do not have an international program. They can choose from the lectures available at their program of studies in the semester that they are in Graz. If you have questions about the courses you can attend, please contact international@fh-joanneum.at for further details. It is not possible to mix and match between programs in Graz.
All students, regardless of their program of studies and their campus, can attend the R.U.D.I. courses and German language courses in addition to courses from their program of studies.