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Football to promote health

A fascinating sport for the benefit of your health

Football brings people together – whether in stadiums or on local football pitches. Without competitive rivalry and the pressure of performance, this sport is ideal for improving physical health. This project aims to reinforce the role of football as a means of promoting good health. A new training course for coaches makes this possible.

The promotion of sport and exercise is a key aspect of health goals in Styria and Austria. The health of the people of Styria can be improved with the right nutrition and sufficient exercise. To achieve this goal, an adequate exercise offer should be created for all age groups.

Football as a means of promoting health

Football motivates thousands of people every week to head to stadiums and local football pitches. Football connects generations and overcomes ethnic and social differences. It increases solidarity and cohesion and the exercise improves health. Football training includes all the elements of fitness training and is therefore ideal for improving the health of the population.

As part of the project, sustainable structures and offers will be created relating to football as a means of boosting health in Styria. This will be achieved through specific training for coaches and training supervisors. Clubs, institutions and companies will be encouraged to offer football to promote health. People of different ages, genders and origins should be able to take part in this fascinating sport without the pressure of performance and competition but rather as a way of improving their own health. The focus will be on enjoying the exercise and football as a game.

Photo: Dietmar Wallner

Training for coaches in health-promoting football

Health-promoting football is a form of football training which is free from the pressures of competition and performance. It is all about preventing health risk factors and boosting health resources. The focus is always on enjoying the exercise and football as a game. Coaches need to receive appropriate training to implement these goals.

Photo: Dietmar Wallner

The free training includes a total of 50 teaching units, 27 theory-based and 23 practical, as well as a demonstration session. 14 coaches have already successfully completed the training.

Photo: Dietmar Wallner

The project team: football training includes all the key elements of fitness training.

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