
Gerhard Apfelthaler



Gerhard Apfelthaler is a full professor in International Business and International Management at the School of Business at California Lutheran University (CLU) in Thousand Oaks, California (United States) and a senior partner at AT Consult, a consulting company with offices and affiliations in Europe, the US, and Asia.

Before joining CLU he has been the Chair of the Department of International Management at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz (Austria). Previously, he served as Commercial Attaché to the Austrian Embassy in Singapore as Austria’s Deputy Trade Commissioner to the United States, as Dean of International Business Studies at FHS Kufstein Tirol, and as coordinator of the international postgraduate program of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS), among others. He has studied at the University of Vienna (Vienna/Austria), the Taiwan National Normal University (Taipeh/Taiwan), the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Vienna/Austria), from which he holds a doctorate in Economic and Social Sciences.

He has published several books, among others “Management Internationaler Geschaeftstaetigkeit” (Managing International Business), Patentschutz in wichtigen Exportmärkten (Patent Protection in Important Export Markets), „Interkulturelles Management“ (Cross-cultural Management), „Internationale Markteintrittsstrategien“ (International Market Entry Strategies), or “US-Recht für Niederlassungsgruender” (US Business Law for Foreign Entrants). His latest book is titled “The Deadly Sins of International Business,” which will be published by Palgrave MacMillan (forthcoming). Dr. Apfelthaler has published articles in leading academic journals including the Journal of World Business, the Journal of Small Business Management, the International Journal of Business and Economics, the Journal fuer Betriebswirtschaft, and the Journal of International Learning, among others. He is a co-founder and the Associate Editor for the European Journal of International Management.

Dr. Apfelthaler has lectured at universities in a number of countries including Australia, Austria, Colombia, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, the Strategic Management Society and the German “Verband für Hochschullehrer Betriebswirtschaft”. Visit Gerhard Apfelthaler's blog on Deadly Sins in International Business at www.deadlysins.info.


FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Apfelthaler


1. Apfelthaler, G. ; Manikutty, S. & S. Keuchel (eds., forthcoming, 2007). Cross-cultural Learning Styles. New Delhi :MacMillan

2. Apfelthaler, G. ; Kiendl-Wendner, D ; Neubauer, M. (forthcoming, 2007). Unternehmensgründung in Europa. Ratgeber für jeden potenziellen Unternehmensgründer im vereinten Europa. (Starting Companies in Europe. Handbook for entrepreneurs in the enlarged European Union). Wien

3. Apfelthaler, G. ; Hansen, K. ; Ong, S. H., Tapachai, N. (eds., 2006). Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education and Management. London-New York-Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Academic.

4. Apfelthaler, G.; Kausl, H. & Emsenhuber, A. (forthcoming, 2006) USA Businesswise. Exporte, Lizenzvergabe und Firmengründung in den USA („USA Businesswise. Exports, Licensing and Incorporation in the USA“) Wien:Linde Verlag.

5. Apfelthaler, G. et. al. (2003). Das Recht der USA für Unternehmens- und Niederlassungsgründer. („Principles of US Law for Start-ups and Subsidiaries) Wien:Verlag Österreich.

6. Apfelthaler, G. & Fuchs, M. (2002). Management Internationaler Geschäftstätigkeit. („Managing International Business“) Wien-Berlin-New York: Springer.

7. Apfelthaler, G. (1999). Interkulturelles Management. („Cross-Cultural Management“) Köln-München-Wien:Manz Verlag/Fortis. 2nd printing.

8. Apfelthaler, G. (1999). Internationale Markteintrittsstrategien. („International Market Entry Strategies“) Köln-München-Wien:Manz Verlag/Fortis.

9. Apfelthaler, G. (1998). Interkulturelles Management als Soziales Handeln. („Cross-cultural Management as Social Action“) Wien:Service Fachverlag.

10. Apfelthaler, G. & Kausl, H. (1997). USA Businesswise. Ein praktischer Wegweiser fuer Exporte und Firmengruendungen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. („USA Businesswise – A step-by-step guide for exporting to and incorporating in the United States“) Wien:Linde Verlag.

11. Schragl, A. (ed.); Apfelthaler, G. et. al. (1995). Achtung, Kultur! Ein praktischer Wegweiser für internationale Geschäftsreisen. („Beware, culture! A practical guide for international business-travellers“) Wien:Wirtschaftskammer Österreich.

Beiträge in Büchern

1. Apfelthaler, G.; Hansen, K.; Keuchel, S.; Mueller, S.; Neubauer, M.; Ong, S. H. & Tapachai, N. (forthcoming, 2007), Cross-cultural Differences in Learning and Education. Stereotypes, Myths and Realities, in: David Palfreyman, Learning and Teaching Across Cultures in Higher Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2. Apfelthaler, G., Hansen, K., Keuchel, S., Mueller, C., Neubauer, M., Ong, S. H. and Tapachai, N. (2006). Asians and Europeans – Similar and Yet Different: A Comparison of Students’ Attitudes towards Learning and Studying across Four Continents. In: Apfelthaler, G. ; Hansen, K. ; Ong, S. H., Tapachai, N., Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education and Management. London-New York-Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Academic, 11-35.

3. Apfelthaler, G. (2006). People Types, Tiger Stripes, Learning Style Hypes. In: Apfelthaler, G. ; Hansen, K. ; Ong, S. H., Tapachai, N., Intercultural Communication Competencies in Higher Education and Management. London-New York-Singapore : Marshall Cavendish Academic, 1-10.

4. Apfelthaler, G., Erten, C. (2005). Cultural Determinants of Management in Eastern Europe. In: Tschandl, M. and Azucena Perez Alonso (eds) (2005), The Challenge of EU Enlargement, Graz:Leykam Verlag, 65-79.

5. Apfelthaler, G. (2005). Vorwort zur Publikation Franken, S., Erfolg in Osteuropa. Chancen und Risiken für deutsche Unternehmen, Berlin: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

6. Apfelthaler, G. (2003). Die Anforderungen an die Ausbildung im Sekundarbereich aus der Sicht der Fachhochschule. In: Prisching, W.; Lenz, W.; Hauser, W., Das Verhältnis zwischen Schule und Hochschule. Die Erwartungen des Postsekundarbereiches an die Qualität der Schulbildung, Wien:Verlag Österreich, 199-214.

7. Apfelthaler, G. (2002). Cultural Factors of Market Entry into Singapore. In: Erten-Buch, C., Pirker, R., Wirtschaftsmacht Süd-Ost-Asien. Länderspezifische Erfolgsfaktoren für wirtschaftliches Handeln (South-East Asia. Country-specific Success Factors for Business), Wirtschaftsverlag, 165-186.

8. Apfelthaler, G. (2001). Medienmanagement als Internationales Management (International Dimensions of Media Management). In: Karmasin, M. & Winter, C., Grundlagen des Medienmanagements, München:Fink/UTB.

9. Apfelthaler, G. (2000). A Very Specific Look at Economic Integration: Does Culture Matter in Europe? In: Jourdan, D., Contemporary Developments in: Integracion Economica Y Desarollo Empresarial: Europa Y America Latina, Paris:Editions Eska, 263 – 279.

10. Apfelthaler, G. & Karmasin, M. 1996. Interkulturelles Management im Klein- und Mittelbetrieb: Interkulturelle Kompetenz als institutionelles und individuelles Problem (Intercultural Management in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Cross-cultural Competence as an Institutional and Individual Problem), In J. Mugler & M. Nitsche, (Eds.), Versicherung, Risiko und Internationalisierung. Herausforderungen für Unternehmesführung und Politik, 465 – 482.

Wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften

1. Apfelthaler, G. (article in preparation for Journal of Cross cultural Management). Drawing the wrong borderlines. The concept of culture in a pluralist (management) world.

2. Apfelthaler, G.; Hansen, K.; Keuchel, S.; Neubauer, M.; Ong, S. H.; Tapachai, N. & C. Mueller (2006). Cross-cultural Learning Styles in Higher Education, in: International Journal of Learning, Volume 12, 2005/2006.

3. Apfelthaler, G.; Domicone, H.; Montanari, J. & P. G. L. Kidoniatis (2005). Causal Antecedents and Nascent Conditions for Strategic Innovation: A Theoretical Model for Practical Investigation, in: Cosmo Themata – Global Aspects Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, 7-16.

4. Apfelthaler, G. & Tafner, G. (2003) Halb volle und halb leer Gläser: Forderungen der Fachhochschule an die Ausbildung im Sekundarbereich, in: Erziehung und Unterricht, 153. Jahrgang, No. 5, 6, pp. 585-591.

5.Apfelthaler, G.; Domicone, H. A. & Montanari, J. R. (2002) Antecedents and Efficacious Conditions for Strategic Innovation: An Exploratory Study for Theory and Practice, in: Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE), Vol. 2 (Fall 2002), No. 1, pp.162-166.

6. Apfelthaler, G.; Muller, H. J. & Rehder, R. (2002. Corporate Global Culture as Competitive Advantage: Learning from Germany and Japan in Alabama and Austria, in: Journal of World Business, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Summer 2002)., pp. 108-118.

7. Apfelthaler, G. & Kigner, B. 2000. Erfolgsfaktoren Österreichischer Direktinvestitionen in den USA (Critical Success Factors of Austrian Foreign Direct Investment in the USA), In: Journal fuer Betriebswirtschaft (JfB) No. 3, pp. 119-131.

8. Apfelthaler, G. 2000. Why small and medium sized enterprises invest abroad: The case of four Austrian companies with United States operations. In: Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 38, No. 3 (July), pp. 92 – 98.

9. Apfelthaler, G. & Karmasin, M. 1997. The value of disagreement. The question of metanorms, metaculture and metatheory in cross cultural interaction. In: Journal fuer Betriebswirtschaft (JFB) No. 3/97, pp. 124-135.

10. Apfelthaler, G. & Karmasin, M. 1994. Die lokale Dimension des Internationalen Managements (The Local Dimension of International Management), in Journal für Betriebswirtschaft (jfb) No. 3/4 (June), pp. 149-162

Conference Papers / Proceedings

1. Apfelthaler, G.; Domicone, H. & Oldenkamp, R. (2005). Entrepreneurship in a diverse world: The role of Risk Propensity in Austrian Business Start-ups. Proceedings of the US Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual conference, Indian Wells, 2005.

2. Apfelthaler, G. (2005). People Types, Tiger Stripes, Learning Style Hypes. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence, Singapore, 2005.

3. Bruce, R. A., Domicone, H. A. & Apfelthaler, G. 2001. Decision Making in the New Millennium: Efficacious Inquiry into the Foundations of Received Logic of Cross-Cultural Management. Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Decisions Sciences Institute Conference, Singapore, July, 2001.

4. Apfelthaler, G. & Karmasin, M. 1999.The Nature of International Work: A Research Proposal for a Replication of Mintzberg in the Age of Globalization, In Donna J. Wood & Duane Windsor, eds., Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society , pp. 272-282.

5. Apfelthaler, G.; Muller, H. & Rehder, R. 1999. A German - Japanese - U.S. Manufacturing System for the 21st Century, In Donna J. Wood & Duane Windsor, eds., Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society , pp. 295-298.

6. Apfelthaler, G. & Karmasin, M. 1997. Managing across cultures. A new challenge for teaching and research. In J. Weber & K. Rehbein, eds., Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), pp.

7. Apfelthaler, G. 1992. Going European? Going International?, in European Foundation for Management Development (eds.), Annual Conference 1992 Summary Documentation.