
Martina König



Mag. Martina König, MA studied English and French at Karl-Franzens University Graz, focusing on computational linguistics and e-learning. Her master's thesis "EFL e-learning platforms. The linguistic, methodological and technical state of the art", combining these two interests, was part of the language server project at Karl-Franzens University Graz.

Currently, she is head of the Master's Programme "Technical Documentation" at the Department of Media and Design at the University of Applied Sciences, FH JOANNEUM Graz.

As senior lecturer at FH JOANNEUM, she also teaches English in the Bachelor's programme Information Design and the Master's programme Exhibition Design. Her English language courses are specially tailored to the needs of designers. She has been working at the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM Graz since 2000

Additionally, she currently teaches English at the Technical University Graz, TU Graz.

Her research interests include methodology in university learning and teaching, e-learning, semiotics and usability. She completed the "train-the-trainer" courses to gain the certificate to be a professional e-trainer. Her more than 15 publications to date include articles on teaching methodology or e-learning as well as morphology or computational language analysis.

She regularly actively takes part as speaker in national as well as international conferences (e.g. INTED, ICT, IATEFL, ICBLC, EDULEARN etc.) to constantly broaden her knowledge and to give talks to an international audience. Recently, she has also been nominated member of the committee board of INTED Conference.