Our three-level training model offers the right assistance at the right time and is primarily aimed at first-year students, but also at other interested parties:
Our three-level training model offers the right assistance at the right time and is primarily aimed at first-year students, but also at other interested parties:
When: at the beginning of the semester
Content: Guided tour of the library and basic information
Objective: The students know our rooms, terms of use and the library team.
Duration: approx. 20-30 minutes
This library visit can take place as part of a house tour or orientation course. Please arrange an appointment (bibliothek@fh-joanneum.at).
When: from mid-October for the health science degree programmes and from November for all other degree programmes.
Content: Research in our online catalogue, use of the library account and other services.
Objective: Students will be able to search our holdings, interpret and refine search results, place orders and reservations, renew their borrowed items and order interlibrary loans.
Duration: approx. 20 minutes (learning video)
This introduction can be completed in form of an interactive Moodle course (e.g. as part of a course on scientific research & writing). Successful participation can be checked using the questions implemented in the video. For the activation of the Moodle course, please arrange an appointment (bibliothek@fh-joanneum.at).
The video is also available as a simple video tutorial at any time.
When: as soon as students start writing term papers and/or project papers.
Content: Overview of our range of electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, databases) and research examples.
Objective: Students use the e-resources effectively and know how to access full texts.
Duration: approx. 10 minutes (learning video) / approx. 1 hour presence
This course consists of two parts:
The first contains a general introduction to our e-resources and is available both as an interactive Moodle course (with implemented questions) and in the form of a siple video tutorial. This part forms the basis for the classroom training (second part), which deepens the research using selected e-resources and concrete examples.
For the activation of the Moodle course and the scheduling of the classroom training, please arrange an appointment (bibliothek@fh-joanneum.at).
We also provide support for literature management with Zotero. We show you how to collect and manage literature references in Zotero and how to insert them into your scientific paper. The training courses take place online via MS Teams, no previous knowledge is required. You can find more information and the current date here.
Duration: approx. 1 hour
You will also find a manual with the most important functions of Zotero on Moodle.
Artificial intelligence can also assist with literature research. We present free AI tools and show what special functionalities they offer, while also considering the limitations of AI. For more information and the current date, please click here.
Duration: approximately 1 hour.
Individual appointments can be arranged for individual research assistance or questions. Use our Book-a-Librarian service!