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Julia Slamanig

Content Strategist & Life-Saver, Webdesign 4 All
Julia Slamanig

What I do

I am a freelance journalist and work for, amongst others, the Kleine Zeitung, the Kleine Kinderzeitung and the Salzburger Nachrichten. My work involves identifying subject matter, researching it and writing articles. I am also taking a degree at the University College of Teacher Education in Carinthia to qualify as a primary school teacher.

Why I love my job

I can write, someone reads what I’ve written, and I get paid for it. The subjects I write about are many and various. Sometimes when I’m researching I make useful contacts and gain new experiences.

Important skills in my job

  • Openness
  • Initiative
  • Passion for writing

My biggest accomplishment so far

I won an ÖZIV Media prize in recognition of my reporting about a severely sick girl and her family. I spent three days talking with the girl and her parents for the story, and they gave me profound insights into their lives.

How I found my current job

Through an unsolicited application.

What I learnt for this job during my studies

The most valuable aspect of the programme was the contacts with people in the professional world and the internships which I completed in two large publishing houses in Munich. The constructive criticism I received in the writing workshops allowed me to develop and refine my writing style.

Job prospects in my field

I believe graduates of the Journalism and PR degree programme at FH JOANNEUM enjoy great prospects because they offer employers a package including theory, practical exercises and experience in the professional world.

I am

  • well organised
  • reliable
  • ambitious

About my job

My next assignment is a trip to Berlin, to cover a story about de-radicalisation and work on preventative measures for Eurotours. In future I want to report more comprehensively, “delving more deeply”. I think one should try to achieve a good work-life balance because that allows you to enjoy your job, do it well, and continue working for many years.

What else I am currently doing

At the moment I am studying at the University College of Teacher Education in Carinthia to qualify as a primary school teacher.

I am continuing to study because …

… this gives me a second string to my bow, and in future I may wish to combine both professions.

How I make studying compatible with my job

I organise my life by means of a detailed appointments calendar. As I can write anywhere, as long as I have my laptop with me, I work before, in between, and after lectures at the university. Writing and teaching make my everyday working life pleasantly diversified. My work on the children’s paper is particularly enriching as it draws on both my skills as a primary school teacher and as a journalist.

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