
Philipp Brunner

Philipp Brunner made one of his dreams come true by moving abroad.


Key data

Job description: Radiographer
Company: University Hospital Zurich - interventional neuroradiology
I work in: Zurich, Switzerland
I’ve worked here since: November 2015

What I do:

One of my key roles is to provide sterile assistance during interventional neuroradiology procedures. Close collaboration with anaesthesiologists and optimisation of radiation protection measures are also an important part of my work.

Why I love my job:

The rapid progress being made in medicine is opening up more and more new tasks. Interacting with patients and the unique nature of each procedure make my work exciting and give me new motivation each day.

Important skills in my job:

For me, the most important skills are flexibility, diligence and empathy with the patients.

My biggest accomplishment so far:

Moving abroad was a dream come true for me. It is one of the highlights of my career to date.

How I found my current job:

I found the position at the university hospital on the hospital homepage and submitted my application. After a personal interview and two day trial period, I received a job offer.

What I learned for this job during my studies:

The course is very broad-ranging and practice-oriented. These two factors enabled me to learn all aspects of the profession during my studies. The internships then gave me the chance to build on the foundations I had acquired during the course.

Job prospects in my field:

I would say that the job prospects in Austria and the German-speaking area are very good at the moment.

I am:

In addition to my structured approach to work, I am a very calm and considerate person and always keep a clear head, even in stressful situations.

About my job:

I like my job at the University Hospital Zurich because the complex nature of the work continues to challenge me. The close collaboration with the doctors is an advantage for me because it enables me to further develop and expand on my knowledge in this specialist field, which was one of my main reasons for pursuing a job in Zurich. I see this job as a springboard to the future because the experience I can acquire here will open a lot of doors for me. Switzerland offers some fantastic job opportunities with good further development and training for anyone considering leaving Austria in search of a new challenge. I would certainly choose this course if I had the chance again because it provides access to a range of professional fields and offers the chance to move abroad.

A few images from Philipp Brunner’s everyday working life: