Fields of Expertise

Health Services Research for the Healthcare Professions


The Department of Health Studies carries out demand surveys and evaluates existing healthcare concepts and health service structures from the perspective of the various health professions. This is a prerequisite for improving healthcare services and enabling efficient control of the associated processes.

The Department of Health Studies develops evidence-based guidelines for biomedical science, dietetics and nutrition, occupational therapy, midwifery, logopedics, nursing, physiotherapy and radiography to meet existing healthcare demand in Austria.

The development and safeguarding of quality standards for primary care in the individual occupational groups is an essential basis for health service concepts in the healthcare sector. The Department seeks to optimise the delivery of services in the healthcare professions in order to create standardised, economical and needs-based strategies for the healthcare professions which reflect demographic and epidemiological changes in society.

Qualitative and quantitative demand surveys and a continuous monitoring of available resources enable existing systems and structures to be adapted on an objective basis.