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International Degree-seeking Students


Vor dem Studium

Information and course guidance

The FH JOANNEUM Course Guidance team is happy to arrange a personal appointment for prospective students and applicants who have questions regarding degree programmes and careers, admissions criteria or more general questions about studying at FH JOANNEUM.


Send an email to or call +43 316 5453 – 8800.
The Course Guidance team will also be happy to arrange a personal appointment.

Special admission and application requirements

General application information on Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at FH JOANNEUM can be found on the pages of the individual degree programmes. The website also provides special application information for regular international students, e.g. authentication and translation guidelines.

Information for international applicants from non-EU/EEA countries

The following English-taught Master’s degree programmes only offer the January deadline for applicants from third countries:

Students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay a cost contribution of 727 euros per semester. In the event of acceptance, applicants from these countries are required to transfer a cost contribution for the first two semesters (1,454 euros) to FH JOANNEUM in advance. The place will then be confirmed.

You have not yet obtained your Bachelor’s degree at the time of applying for a Master’s programme?
Don’t worry: you can of course already apply to us and submit your graduation documents (including legalisations if required) by the time of matriculation. When applying online, please upload a personalised confirmation from the university of your intended degree (including the total number of ECTS credits to be achieved), the expected date of graduation and all previous semester certificates.

You can find the corresponding form to confirm the planned Bachelor’s degree and further information here:

Entry and residence regulations

Whether or not you will need a visa to enter Austria as an international student or researcher depends on the country you come from and on how long you want to stay.

Please note

  • before travelling to Austria: the legal regulations pertaining to foreign nationals regarding visas and residence permits
  • after arriving in Austria: the regulations concerning registering at your place of residence
Nationals of Third Countries

If you do not have EU/EEA or Swiss nationality you are a “national of a third country” and you will need an entry or residence permit in order to enter or become resident in Austria. You can find important information on the OeAD Website.

Attention: As entry or residence permit applications can take a longer period of time, get in contact with the respective offices straight after you got the invitation / acceptance letter!

You have to register within three working days of arrival in Austria with the registration office (“Meldeamt”) at your place of residence!

Nationals of EU/EEA countries and Switzerland

If you are a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland you do not need a visa and enjoy the freedom of domicile (“Niederlassungsfreiheit”). If you have sufficient financial means to finance your stay in Austria and valid health insurance covering all the necessary costs you only need a valid travel document (passport or identity card) in order to enter and become resident in Austria.

If you are going to stay in Austria for more than three months you have to register with the competent residence authority (Magistrat, Bezirkshauptmannschaft) within four months of your stay and you will receive a confirmation of registration (fee: 15 euros; additional fees may occur).

Attention: Non-compliance with this regulation can lead to a fine up to 250 euros!

You have to register within three working days of arrival in Austria with the registration office (“Meldeamt”) at your place of residence!

Orientation Packages

Degree seeking students from non-EU/EEA countries are highly recommended to attend the orientation package PREMIUM package three weeks before the start of the academic year. This service is free of charge for students from non-EU/EEA countries as it is already covered by the cost contribution.

Degree seeking students from the EU, EEA or Switzerland may also take part in the orientation packages. However, they have to pay the same price as exchange students.


Information on how to obtain accommodation in Graz can be retreived from the following websites:

Health Insurance

Make sure that you have a valid health insurance plan for your stay in Austria.

Nationals of EU/EEA countries and Switzerland:

In general, the European Health Insurance Card is accepted in Austria. Please make sure that your health insurance is accepted in Austria and will also be valid when you move to Austria. Possibly, you might need to obtain health insurance your students in Austria.

Nationals of Third Countries

Based on our long-standing experience with foreign insurance providers, we recommend taking out one of the following two options for insurance for students: Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖKG) or The cost of this insurance stands at around 58 euros per month for both options.

Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK)
We can register you with the ÖGK on your behalf. Simply hand in the documents required at the International Office:

  • a completed application form for health insurance ÖGK Selbstversicherung für Studierende
  • a copy of valid passport or personal ID
  • a copy of valid certificate of enrolment (Studienbuchblatt)
  • a copy of valid enrolment certificate (Inskriptionsbestätigung)
  • a copy of valid registration form (Meldezettel)
  • a copy of your letter of admission at FH JOANNEUM
  • for master’s degree students: a copy of your bachelor’s degree diploma
With FeelSafe you can fulfill the legal requirements in the quickest and easiest way. You don’t need any paperwork nor do you need to go anywhere personally. FeelSafe is 100 % accepted by the governmental authorities for your stay in Austria. You can choose from the travel insurance for the C-Visa for up to 90 days stay or the long-term insurance for the D-Visa and Residence Permit.

Compared to the public ÖGK insurance, with FeelSafe you are fully privately insured – meaning you have access to all doctors (incl. private doctors) and some extra coverage. Also, you do not need any paperwork, you can obtain the insurance online wihtin few minutes. English support is available.


If you have further questions concerning the services offered for international students, please contact the Department of International Relations by email or call us at +43 316 5453 – 8864.

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