Financial support is independent of:
- salary
- student aid
- social criteria
International Relations
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Not all students are lucky enough to be able to undertake a paid internship abroad. Financing an internship abroad is a great challenge for many students. Here you will find a list of funding options.
If all requirements are met, students can receive an ERASMUS+ grant (subject to budgetary possibilities) for an internship abroad. In addition to the monthly grant, the grant can also include so-called Top Up’s for “Green Travel” or “Fewer Opportunities”. You can find more information about the Top Up’s under Fewer Opportunities & Green Travel.
The funding amounts for the individual country groups are visible in the following document. The maximum funding period for mobilities within Europe is 6 months. Mobilities to home countries cannot be funded.
For internships outside of Europe there are also funding opportunities through ERASMUS+. This is made possible by the International Component of the ERASMUS+ program. In order to receive this grant, all requirements must again be met. In addition to the monthly grant, the grant can also include so-called Top Up’s for “Green Travel” or “Fewer Opportunities”. You can find more information about the Top Up’s under Fewer Opportunities & Green Travel.
The funding amounts for the individual country groups are visible in the following document. The maximum funding period for mobilities outside of Europe is 4 months. Mobilities to home countries cannot be funded.
Short-term internships (between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 days) are also eligible for ERASMUS+ funding, provided that the requirements are met. In addition to the monthly grant, the grant can also include so-called Top Up’s for “Green Travel” or “Fewer Opportunities”. You can find more information about the Top Up’s under Fewer Opportunities & Green Travel.
The funding amounts for short-term stays and the listing of the Top Up’s are visible in the following document.
If all requirements are met, nothing stands in the way of a successful application. Further information can be found under Application.
During the application process, a so-called Grant Agreement will be drawn up. After signing this Grant Agreement between the student and the International Office, the funds will be disbursed as follows:
The provincial governments occasionally make grants available. Please enquire at the Department of Science and Research/Office of the Styrian Government. is Austria’s biggest online database for scholarships and research grants for all academic areas. Financial support options for students, graduates and researchers range from classical grants and scholarships, allowances and prizes to extensive national, European and international research support programmes. Funding options for internships are also included. is an initiative of the Austrian Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD-GmbH).