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CULTURWB – Strenghtening Capacities for Tourism Changes in the Western Balkans

Building Competences for Quality Management of Heritage und Cultural Tourism


The inspiration behind the CULTURWB comes from the well-recognized need identified by all project partners in the Western Balkans region who work in the tourism and economy sectors and who already have a long-standing cooperation.

All of them agree that there is an obvious need to strengthen the cultural tourism industry development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, to create and improve strategies for development of cultural tourism in these countries, address its importance and raise awareness of its pivotal role in safeguarding the rich cultural heritage in the region and beyond.

CULTURWB will address the need for strenghtening the cultural tourism industry development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

The project aims are:
  • Shaping of cultural identity in WB
  • Strengthening of the commercialization of cultural values – solidification of the cosmopolitan character of cultural values
  • Offer learning of sophisticated skills and acquiring of competences in cultural tourism management; enable the tourism workforce to interpret and apply global developments in tourism
  • Utilize research methodologies – marketing and branding, strategy business planning, digital tourism, sustainable development, strategy and action plan implementation etc
  • Form a network of MA students and relevant stakeholders within the industry – essential cooperation between heritage & cultural management and tourist organisations, provide recommendations to stakeholders in the industry, and upgrade the physical and operational capacities – globalising the local and localising the global
  • Create an online platform for communication between stakeholders, industry leaders, managers, work force, and the academia
  • Design a tool-kit aimed at a variety of professional users, both within the tourism industry and for people who welcome and manage visitors at their destination or site, including public authorities in the tourism, culture and nature fields
  • Quality Assurance in heritage and cultural tourism management
Project partners

Erasmus+ Logo, European Union

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