Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
FH JOANNEUM wishes all its staff, students and partners a Merry Christmas, a relaxing and peaceful time and lots of health …
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Biomedical scientists are an important intermediary between patients and doctors, receive patient samples and are responsible for the entire analytical process.
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Through jobs in fields such as functional diagnostics (e.g. lung function), for example, they work directly for and with patients.
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Because of their practical training biomedical scientists are highly regarded team players both in primary health care, in processing patient samples and in research institutions.
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Did you know, …
Our students have access to specialist labs for clinical chemistry, cell culture, molecular biology, microbiology, haematology and immunohaematology, immunology and microscopy. These labs are used a great deal in our practice-based course.
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To give our students the best possible preparation for working life, from the second semester onwards they work in a variety of external labs during work placements undertaken each semester. This introduces them to a number of different areas of activity.
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Biomedical scientists are responsible, along with others, for developing and running practical classes. This ensures that students are taught relevant skills and procedures by experienced practitioners.