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Mag. (FH) Martina Marx, MA

Martina Marx is the editorial director of "Futter", the young magazine of the Kleine Zeitung.
Mag. (FH) Martina Marx, MA 1

Job title: Editorial Director
Company: Futter / Kleine Zeitung
I work in: Graz
I have been working here since: 2018
My contact:

Photo: © Marija Kanizaj.

What I do:

I run the small but fine editorial office of Futter, the young magazine of the Kleine Zeitung.

Why I love my job:

Because there is something new to do every day. And because we try to take new journalistic paths.

Important skills in my job:

Knowing who in the team can best tell a story. In principle, journalism is quite easy to learn, but getting a feel for what a story is and what isn’t takes a bit of experience. So just do it and you learn automatically.

My biggest success in my career so far:

Difficult question, because I have my problems with the word career. But recently the interview with Alma Zadic. And that we are developing Futter slowly but always further.

I learned this in my studies for my professional life:

When I started studying Content Strategy, I had the feeling that I had lost the technical connection somewhat. I had almost nothing to do with analytics and I didn’t know what content audits were either. Now I’m in the process of revising the content strategy that we did for Futter two years ago. Again including audit and Co. I have learned practical things that I can use every day in my job.

The job opportunities in my area:

Frequently and urgently necessary. High-quality journalism on the net needs a content strategy.

That’s how I got my job:

I have applied. So just try. You can still say no.

Me about my job:

As passionate as I do it, as chaotic I am.

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