Bachelor's Thesis | Information Design

Landscape Maintenance Fund Grundlsee

How to motivate donations through film

Landscape Maintenance Fund Grundlsee. How to motivate donations through film 7

The region Ausseerland is known for its unique landscape. The peasantry has always been part of the culture in the Salzkammergut. Many traditions and rituals have emerged from this. The appearance of the landscape of Aussee was shaped primarily by the farmers, which significantly benefited the tourism in the region. Yet, being a farmer is not very profitable these days as farmers are financially dependent on another profession. To save this indispensable culture from extinction, the Landscape Maintenance Fund was founded.

The Landscape Maintenance Fund is supposed to help make farming in the Grundlsee region financially sustainable again. The fund is financed through crowdfunding. Annual membership are donated in voluntary amounts, which are passed on 100% to the farmers. The aim of the author was to create a film to explain the Landscape Maintenance Fund and motivate donations.

Photo: © FH JOANNEUM / Information Design