Department of Management

Quality of Life and Sustainability in Tourism

My Studies


Current Curriculum

1. Semester

Business Excellence Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370108 Needs Analysis and Brand Management 2 SWS 2 ECTS
Students learn the basics of systematic and dynamic needs analysis and introduced to brand management. In this course, students will discuss brand development, brand introduction and brand management processes and models using examples from the health, tourism and services industries. Value-added calculations are used to establish the economic relevance of brand management. This course compares the most significant brand value calculation methods and critically analyses their suitability. Traditional analysis tools are also compared to solution tools and discussed.
Business Excellence Management | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370109 Quality and Risk Management# 2 SWS 2 ECTS
In this course, students receive an industry-independent theoretical overview of the history, goals and instruments of quality management. Students are also introduced to several different certifiable quality labels and seals. A special focus is placed on quality management in the services industry. Risk management convers measures for systematically recognising, analysing, assessing and monitoring risks, such as financial risks, sales risks, risks posed by competitors and in-company risks. Instruments for measuring and assessing risks (e.g. FMEA) are presented through practical examples, and exercises are conducted to practice the appliction of such instruments thoroughly.
Business Excellence Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370107 Strategic Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
Students are taught the basics of strategic management at a segment level and corporate level using an ideal-typical strategy process consisting of strategic analysis, the formulation and selection of strategy alternatives and strategy implementation. This course also introduces students to strategic management instruments such as potential analysis, balanced scorecard and portfolio analysis.
Economics and Ethics | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370105 Ethics and Social Responsibility 2 SWS 2 ECTS
Based on the general basic concepts of ethics, students will gain knowledge of the ethical factors affecting health, tourism and sports. Various instruments supporting ethical decision making are introduced. Students also learn about responsible corporate behavior in their areas of activity within the context of ecologically relevant aspects and within the context of relationships with employees and exchanges with relevant stakeholder and interest groups.
Economics and Ethics | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370106 New political Economy 1 SWS 2 ECTS
Political decisions represent one factor which influences economic development. Based on an introduction to economics, this course will focus primarily on the influencing factors which have a large impact on economic development. Furthermore, determinants affecting political decision-making and actions will be discussed in detail. Using practical case studies, the opportunities and risks of competing and complementary economic and political goals will be analysed to develop highly rational solutions for both fields.
Research and Project Management I | Project Thesis (PA) | Coursecode: 180370104 Research and Project Work I 2 SWS 5 ECTS
In teams of 4 to 6, the students independently plan a specific project by implementing the project management principles and methods as described by the IPMA (International Project Management Association). Team building and team development are the central theoretical and practical components of this course. The topics are subject-specific and based on the specialisations of the degree. Both internal research projects and external projects brought in by companies or non-profit organisations will be defined.
Research and Project Management I | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370103 Statistics and Research Methods I 2 SWS 3 ECTS
After completing the course, students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of systematic literary research, be able to critically analyse research articles in terms of their structure, methods, results and discussion, know the applications of various qualitative and quantitative survey methods, possess an extensive knowledge of specific qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, and be able to apply these methods in practical scenarios.
Study Basics | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370102 Health Promoting Lifestyle 2 SWS 1.5 ECTS
This course teaches students the relationships between lifestyle factors, such as the relationship of movement and nutrition to health and tourism. Students are also introduced to lifestyle change and trend development/recognition theory. Within this context, students learn about trend and lifestyle sports, as well as nutrition trends.
Study Basics | Practical (UE) | Coursecode: 180370101 Health, Tourism and Sport Management Orientation 1 SWS 0.5 ECTS
Students receive an overview of the main topics of the curriculum to help them better understand the relationships between the teaching content in the various classes over the course of the degree. This course provides insights into the relationships between health, tourism, sport and management. The content provides students with an orientation within the vocational fields before starting the degree .
Field Gesundheitstourismus & Freizeitmanagement:
Designing Tourism Experiences | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370111 Customer Relationship Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students acquire advanced knowledge of the holistic management of customer relationships and the related technical and non-material instruments, such as multi-channel, revitalisation, opportunity, campaign and complaint management. This will enable them to independently foster, deepen and revitalise sustainable customer relationships.
Designing Tourism Experiences | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370112 Economic Factor of Sport Tourism / Events 2 SWS 3 ECTS
This course introduces students to the development and significance of sport tourism from an individual, social, ecological and economical perspective. Students will also be presented with and discuss the different manifestations of sport tourism, as well as its problems and results, from a scientific point of view. This course places a special focus on the analysis of sporting events.
Designing Tourism Experiences | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370110 Service Design and Hospitality 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students develop the central elements of a leisure and tourism product and work through the key steps of the product's development, from initial conception to market readiness. They acquire knowledge of target group orientation, perception psychology and customer communication, while delving deeper into the individual product elements, quality management and e-marketing.

2. Semester

Event Management Basics | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370206 Event Conception and Production 3 SWS 4 ECTS
In this course, students learn about the planning and organisation of events, as well as their staging and implementation. A special focus is placed on personnel/employee management and budgeting. Additional topics covered include ticketing, event software and apps and augmented reality.
Research and Project Management II | Project Thesis (PA) | Coursecode: 180370202 Research and Project Work II 2 SWS 5 ECTS
In teams of 4 to 6, the students independently execute a specific project based on the planned work packages and implementation steps from the previous planning phase and present their results during a public hearing. Team building and team development are the central theoretical and practical components of this course. The topics are subject-specific and based on the specialisations of the degree. Internal and external projects brought in by companies or non-profit organisations are executed.
Research and Project Management II | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370201 Statistics and Research Methods II 2 SWS 3 ECTS
This course teaches students applied statistics and the processing of quantitative data in the areas of health, tourism and economics. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to perform descriptive and inductive analyses using the statistics program SPSS and interpret results. They will also be able to process qualitative data and apply content analysis techniques.
Resource Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370205 Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung 2 SWS 3 ECTS
This course teaches students methods for the high-quality development of health promotion conditions, structures and processes in companies as well as the enabling of health-promoting behaviour in employees. In addition to acquiring management competencies for the procedural integration of company health management in the structural and operational organisation and scientific methods for assessing effectiveness, students learn how to apply organisational development concepts. This course also addresses issues regarding the transformation and future of work and discusses them in detail using practical examples.
Resource Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370203 Financing and Investment 2 SWS 3 ECTS
This course discusses both the financial sector and investment as related areas within a company. A special focus is placed on application scenarios in the tourism, health and sport sectors. Financial management tasks and goals as well as financial and investment planning are covered. Investment calculation is discussed based on real investments and financial investments. The course also introduces additional variables which influence investment decisions. Financing is illustrated using hands-on examples of bank financing and equity financing.
Resource Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370204 Leadership and Human Resources Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students will acquire skills and knowledge in the areas of leadership (demands on executives, management concepts, management styles, character theories, behaviour theories, competency models, new leadership models) and human resource management (basic principles, personnel marketing, recruiting, personnel development, management development, salary and bonus systems, personnel administration, personnel controlling, personnel information systems).
Field Gesundheitstourismus & Freizeitmanagement:
Sustainability and Tourism | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370209 Balanced Resource Management in Tourism 1 SWS 2 ECTS
In the context of the growing significance of tourism for regional and national economies, this course teaches students how to identify the diverse resources required for tourism both inside and outside of tourism companies and organisations. Interdisciplinary methods for measuring the economic, sociocultural, ecological and political effects of tourism are discussed and used as the basis for the development of strategies for sustainable resource management using modern management instruments in case studies.
Sustainability and Tourism | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370208 Health and Nature Tourism 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students acquire an in-depth knowledge of nature as a complex resource worthy of protection for health promotion in the form of experience-based tourism products, while taking current trends into consideration. Using best practice examples, challenges and solutions in the area of sustainable nature tourism are analysed from an interdisciplinary perspective with a special focus on the aspects of stakeholder needs, regional development, product design and marketing, and determinants for marketable health tourism products derived from these considerations.
Sustainability and Tourism | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370207 Leisure Management and Culture Tourism 3 SWS 4 ECTS
In this course, students will learn how to manage these products following the principles of resource saving and long-term resource planning. Students will acquire a deeper understanding of the theoretical aspects of leisure management with a special focus on cultural and city tourism. Using case studies, models of civic involvement such as volunteering, social entrepreneurship and caring communities are discussed using citizen relationship management and experience scholarship instruments, and practical principles of action are derived. During the “City as a Stage” excursion, stories from the everyday life of a city are told to provide students with an expanded repertoire of creative leisure education methods.

3. Semester

Communication and Change Management | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370302 Change Management and Organisational Development 2 SWS 3 ECTS
This course gives students an overview of the basic change models and the ideal steps of a change plan. They learn the different phases and challenges (location selection, stakeholder analysis and the development of a communication concept, the development of a vision and long-term strategies, the design of change architectures, how to overcome resistance, leadership during change etc.) as well as the associated processing methods. In the second part of this course, students use specific practical cases to exercise and reflect on the application and implementation of these methods and phases.
Communication and Change Management | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370301 Networking and Business Communication 1 SWS 1 ECTS
Students learn strategies for forging and fostering (business) contacts and building up their own network. Various network types are described, and the defining features of a good network as well as how to become network-attractive are explained. Students also learn how to start their own networks and how to master a confident presence on the social stage.
Entrepreneurship | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370303 Entrepreneurship and Start-up 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students learn the key elements and processes of entrepreneurship. The recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities and quantitative and qualitative assessment are discussed, and an ideal start-up process is acted out. In this process, the main tasks, opportunities, risks and key success metrics (evaluations) that follow the creation of a business are explained. Students are also taught the significance of innovation, strategy and business models, marketing, start-up financing, and legal parameters, as well as the business and master plans. Case studies, specifically in the areas of health, tourism, sport and events, are used as practical examples.
Entrepreneurship | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370304 Sales Management 1 SWS 1 ECTS
This course discusses strategic approaches to the fundamental course of action in sales. A special focus is placed on customers, competitive advantages, sales channels and price policy. The course also covers the structure of sales organisations, personnel management and the sales culture. The significance and instruments of information management in sales is also touched on. Elements of customer relationship management are introduced. Case studies in the areas of tourism and healthcare operations, as well as the sport and event sector are use as practical examples.
Law | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370305 Economic and Fiscal Law 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students are introduced to Austrian tax law and its systematic functionality using the example of a model business start-up to explore tax consequences and structuring possibilities. This course also discusses corporate law, trade law, company law and insolvency law using practical examples. The sample “operation” of a company is used to illustrate the practical application of all areas of law. Within this context, topics related to corporate law, civil law and criminal law which are relevant to business are presented and discussed. Procedural legality and current trends in legislation and jurisdiction round out the list of topics.
Law | Lecture (VO) | Coursecode: 180370306 Labour Law 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students acquire in-depth knowledge of Austrian labour law with a focus on individual labour law (employment contract law) with the goal of acquiring the orientation within the Austrian labour law system needed to work as a future human resources manager (personnel responsibility) and devise actions derived from that orientation, as well as to contribute to the structuring of procedural workflows. Students acquire the ability to interpret and discursively solve specific legal questions related to labour law in practical scenarios based on the current high court jurisdiction.
Field Gesundheitstourismus & Freizeitmanagement:
Management of Health Tourism Facilities | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370307 Leisure and Tourism Economics 1 SWS 2 ECTS
This course discusses the economics of leisure and tourism and the main features, organisational forms and goals of leisure and tourism policy at a national and international level using practical examples. Students create a concept for a tourism region in Austria or in a neighbouring country, while taking into account the economic and market situation, as well as the initial tourism situation. This course also elaborates on tourism policy goals and measures and discusses their implementation.
Management of Health Tourism Facilities | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370308 Spa Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students are introduced to the basic types of thermal springs and spas, as well as the structures of the international spa markets and their special ranges of services. The specific management requirements of these health tourism types of business are explored in more detail through theory and practical examples, with a special focus on the areas of architecture and space planning, financing, HR management and quality management.
Management of Health Tourism Facilities | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370309 Spa, Rehab and Clinic Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students acquire knowledge of and skills in the management of inpatient facilities in the healthcare and tourism sectors. The ongoing transformation of internal and peripheral systems requires early recognition of and response to various groups (patients, residents, guests, employees in shift-based operations, suppliers, the public). This course discusses topics relating to admission, interfaces, discharge, complaints and conflicts, crisis scenarios and safety, customer, diagnosis and treatment paths, core tasks in the process landscape, networking and cooperation and lines of action.
Regional Development | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370311 Destination Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students are introduced to the fundamental types of tourist destinations and their specific organisational structures, as well as the typical management instruments for analysing and controlling destinations. Students acquire the skills needed to develop decision structures within destinations and to resolve conflicts. For external communication, this course covers modern forms of communication such as branding and cluster building (as health destinations, for example), to enable the generation of synergy effects and other competitive advantages for the destination.
Regional Development | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370310 Innovation and Promotion Management 2 SWS 3 ECTS
In this course, students learn about different tourism and health funding opportunities to facilitate innovation in companies, organisations and regions. The principles of innovation management are taught, including innovation initialisation, funding and control. This course also covers the interfaces between innovation, human resources and participation processes. Using interdisciplinary case studies, students work through all phases of innovation and funding processes and analyse their potential to generate competitive advantages and financing.
Regional Development | Lecture/Practical (IL) | Coursecode: 180370312 Regional Development 1 SWS 2 ECTS
In this course, students acquire a basic understanding of the complex and dynamic relationships in sustainable regional development. Various regional development concepts and strategies are explored, and analysis, control and monitoring instruments suitable for exploiting existing resources are covered. The necessary regional management skills are developed within the context of a practical project. Here, a special focus is placed on communicative and moderation skills with regard to the promotion of network processes.

4. Semester

Master's Thesis and Master's Exam | Master's Thesis (MA) | Coursecode: 180370404 Master's Thesis 0 SWS 25 ECTS
Students prepare a Master's thesis in accordance with the relevant scientific criteria pertaining to their discipline. Students present and defend their Master's thesis within the context of a Master’s exam, in which the connections to central topics of the degree are tested.
Master's Thesis and Master's Exam | Seminar (SE) | Coursecode: 180370405 Master's Thesis Support 0.5 SWS 2 ECTS
During the writing of their Master's thesis, students are provided with technical and scientific support from the initial conceptualisation to the finished thesis. Both discipline-specific skills and scientific skills and capabilities are deepened.
Vocational Preparation | Seminar (SE) | Coursecode: 180370401 Case Studies 1 SWS 3 ECTS
This course uses case studies to explain the complexity of management situations and teaches students how to develop decision alternatives and the associated scenarios. Students work through case studies directly related to their study focus. The skills acquired in the various specialisations are applied in practical scenarios.