COVID-19-Update: Willkommen im Sommersemester 2021!
The motto for the summer semester 2021 is "digital first". Photo: FH JOANNEUM

COVID-19 Update: Welcome to the summer semester 2021!


The summer semester of 2021 will continue to present challenges but we will conquer them together. Due to the latest COVID-19 developments, the motto of ‘digital first’ will continue to apply at the start of the summer semester 2021 to ensure the safety of all concerned. In-person teaching will begin again as soon as possible – we look forward to welcoming you back to FH JOANNEUM in person as soon as possible!

Although we have been successfully implementing and living with our COVID-19 measures for months now, for the benefit of our students, we would like to again summarise the rules which will continue to apply until further notice:

Admission and conduct

Students and staff may only enter the buildings one at a time upon presentation of a valid student ID card or employee ID card.

The following rules continue to apply on the FH JOANNEUM premises: maintain a minimum distance of one meter, wear an FFP2 mask, adhere to the hygiene rules and avoid gathering in groups, including in open spaces like balconies, smoking areas and in front of the buildings.
Use hand sanitiser when entering the building. Follow coughing and sneezing etiquette and maintain good hand hygiene. If you feel unwell, stay at home. We can only protect each other if we work together.

Students must wear an FFP2 mask on the FH JOANNEUM premises until further notice. The following rules apply: FFP2 masks are mandatory on the entire FH JOANNEUM premises, including in lecture halls, labs, workshops, corridors, foyers, lifts, toilets, libraries, and social and learning areas. Students are required to bring an FFP2 mask with them.

The cafeterias on all three campuses are closed until further notice.


As before, the principle of ‘digital first’ applies wherever online teaching is possible and appropriate. Any classes, practical sessions and exams which cannot take place online can be held in person in accordance with FH JOANNEUM’s stringent hygiene and safety measures. This includes lab exercises, workshop practicals and practical units in health studies. The head of degree programme will provide you with details for your course in good time.

Excursions are not permitted until further notice.

Vocational internships are carried out as usual – to the extent permitted by the latest developments in the COVID-19 situation. If planned internships are unable to go ahead, a suitable alternative solution will be agreed with the relevant head of degree programme.


Your degree programme will provide details about the holding of exams.


The libraries will maintain a contactless service: students can collect pre-ordered media from the libraries in Bad Gleichenberg, Graz WEST (Eggenberg) and Kapfenberg. The online scanning service is also available for obtaining literature. Please use the returns box provided to return items. The reading rooms in the libraries are closed until further notice. More information can be found here.


Based on the current outlook, we unfortunately have to assume that graduations will not be able to take place in the usual way during the summer semester. However, circumstances permitting, we are planning to hold graduation ceremonies in the form of hybrid events involving an official ceremony for graduates and an online stream for relatives.


No events are taking place at present. Many events are being offered online; more information can be found under “Events” on the website.

Procedure in the event of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19

All suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students, employees or lecturers must be reported.

The FH JOANNEUM task force has devised detailed processes for reporting suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. See here for details of the procedure for handling suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. Please read this document carefully so that you know exactly what to do, if required!

IMPORTANT: All suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 must be reported, in spite of the requirement for online teaching and home working. Please report all suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 via our online reporting tool!

What to do in the event of a suspected case of COVID-19:

  • Stay at home as soon as COVID-19 symptoms emerge (fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, catarrh or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell) or if you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  • Contact the health hotline (tel. 1450) immediately and follow their instructions.
  • Inform us and your head of degree programme immediately and provide all relevant details and contacts using the online reporting tool.
  • All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM, in consultation with the health authorities.

When is a case classed as suspected COVID-19?

  • With the emergence of COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sudden loss of taste/smell).
  • After coming into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, even if you are not displaying any of the typical symptoms.
  • In the case of developing other non-COVID symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea, the following additional criteria apply:
  • Following return from areas with a high level of the virus or previous contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 while on the premises of FH JOANNEUM:

  • Isolate yourself, put on a face mask and call the health hotline immediately (tel. 1450).
  • Inform us and your head of degree programme immediately and provide all relevant details and contacts using the online reporting tool.
  • All further steps will be handled by FH JOANNEUM, in consultation with the health authorities.

Our entire COVID-19 team will personally guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have at the central reporting address


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at, by telephone on +43 316 5453-8800 or via our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram. Stay healthy – we can do it together!