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Master's thesis | Sound Design

Wireless Guitar Effect Controller

Performativität in elektronischer Musik 2

The theoretical part of this master’s thesis looks at the diverse gestures and movements of guitarists in connection with the use of effect pedals and playing the guitar in general. The topic of interaction design, which is related to this project, is also brought up since it is directly connected to the development of electric guitars.

The practical part of this thesis, the workpiece, is focused on tracking a guitar player’s movements through the use of an accelerometer. The creation of a Wireless Effect Controller was attempted, which completely avoids the use of a pedalboard. In doing so the programs PureData and OSCulator were used, as well as a Wii Remote Controller. At the end of the project a test run of the workpiece was performed with guitar players, during which primarily their reactions and experiences were observed and later recorded in an interview.

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