On February 12th and 13th 2019, Maja Pivec attended the kick-off meeting of the European Project “NEW METRO – embeddiNg kEts and Work based learning into MEchaTROnic profile” in Rome. 11 partners from 7 different countries (Italy, Greece, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Germany, Spain) attended this meeting. In this project the participants will work together to define and support the development of skilled resources for advanced manufacturing processes as well as the entire Industry 4.0 effort across Europe, with a focus on training needs and emerging skills. Project activities were coordinated by SFC Sistemi Formativi Confindustria as applicant partner in cooperation with CIS – Reggio Emilia (Italy).
NEW METRO will support the increase of employability by overcoming the skill/education mismatch and improving the employability in Mechatronics, increase awareness on social and organizational changes in new production methods among key stakeholders. Further it will involve regulatory bodies and stakeholders at regional and European level, strengthen students attitude towards high level VET courses and improve online learning offers (Vocational Online Open Courses – VOOC) and work-based learning methodologies (WBL). The aim is to ensure a skill qualification system approved at European level.
Maja Pivec and the FH JOANNEUM team are in charge of the Work Package 4 – Development of Learning delivery model composed of modular learning contents based on Open Educational Resources. They are developing and testing new and transferable frameworks for work-based learning, facilitating youth integration in working environment and overcoming institutional and organizational barriers for transnational work based learning experiences.
If you are interested to participate and contribute, please contact us. Stay updated with NEW METRO.