Journalismus und PR Online

Journalism and PR online

Sarah Kowatschek and Vilja Schiretz,

“#TwitternFürDieNote” and “#jpr19” are hashtags with a special significance for the degree programme Journalism and Public Relations (PR).

Maybe our unofficial hashtag "Twittern für die Note" (Tweeting for our grades) reveals one or the other of us first-semester students of the degree programme Journalism and Public Relations (PR), because we twitter in a part of the course Communications im Social Web to learn to use Twitter in the best possible way in a professional environment for communication. By the way, the official hashtag is "#JPR19", which the lecturers follow to keep track of our attempts as Twitterati.

In their courses the lecturers Jutta Pauschenwein, Eva Goldberger and Edith Podhovnik motivate us students with comments and likes to produce interesting content . The fact that we are then mentioned on the official Twitter Account of the Journalism and PR degree programme contributes to our motivation. On Twitter as an information channel, we also receive various information about events relevant for our programme.


However, the programme is not only present on Twitter, but also on Facebook where we can find the latest news and programme-relevant information. In addition to the outside representation of Journalism and Public Relations (PR), we use this social media channel for our internal communication with some lecturers. For example, FH JOANNEUM Journalismus und Public Relations provides information on current events in which all student cohorts of Journalism and Public Relations (PR) participate.


Recently, the Instagramaccount has also been actively maintained by us first-semester students. We contribute to Instagram with pictures and texts in German and English. The current topic is "media hell". Newspapers, online media, radio and television are captured with photos to demonstrate the everyday life of an average journalism and PR student to the outside world.

With our social media channels, we also address interested parties. For example, we promote the Open House and thus offer everyone the opportunity to establish contact with us. All internal communication in the course of studies is aimed at representing both teachers and students to the outside world. The competent handling of social media is an important part of the curriculum. All interested parties will recognize this while surfing through our social networks.

*Sarah Kowatschek and Vilja Schiretz are students of Journalism and Public Relations (PR).