Frauen netzwerken im Laura Bassi Projekt der FH JOANNEUM (Copy)
The online platform #dienetzwerkerinnen conceptualized by Jutta Pauschenwein. Photo: FH JOANNEUM

What our lecturers also do: #dienetzwerkerinnen

Kerstin Baumgartner, Fanny Gasser and Christoph Eisbacher,

The web is a place of endless possibilities – if you know how to find your way around. Exchanging ideas with people in different situations helps us navigate through the “depths” of the Internet. Jutta Pauschenwein runs the platform #dienetzwerkerinnen, which promotes exactly this form of coworking.

#dienetzwerkerinnen is an online network of women that enables the flexible and uncomplicated exchange of knowledge. In this online-women's-network, participants experiment with different tools, creatively present what they have learned in the form of comics, videos or audios and publish their findings as OERs (Open Educational Resources). Additionally, #dienetzwerkerinnen help each other through professional challenges. Although the network is primarily meant for women, there are also men among the subscribers of the organization.

The funding for the network is provided by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG Laura Bassi 4.0 – Das Programm). The Laura Bassi 4.0 research program specifically targets women to help them master challenges in the complex world of the Internet since they often face different situations and frameworks than their male colleagues.

The leader of the project, Jutta Pauschenwein, is a member of the ZML-Innovative Lernszenarien at FH JOANNEUM and lecturer at the Institute Journalism and Public Relatoions. She gives us an insight into the most beautiful experience she has had since working in the online network: The cheese workshop. "The idea came up spontaneously in the process of exchanging ideas and finding ways of connecting competences. Some of us knew how to make cheese and others knew how to make an online workshop. With this project, we also reached women from the countryside who did not have any online skills and, all together, produced very tasty cheese", says Jutta Pauschenwein.

Written by Kerstin Baumgartner, Fanny Gasser and Christoph Eisbacher, students of the Bachelor’s programme “Journalism and Public Relations (PR)”.