FH JOANNEUM Gesundheits- und Tourismusmanagement Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24 Raum KF24.02.220 8344 Bad Gleichenberg Österreich
Manuela Tooma has taught at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences in Bad Gleichenberg since 2009 in the field of hospitality and tourism. In addition to her teaching duties, she is also responsible for the Institute's international relations.
Background: Manuela Tooma discovered travelling to other countries and their cultures at a young age, namely when she was five years old making her first journey to southern Europe without parental guidance. Since then, the desire to see and experience new things has never left Manuela, influencing her professional path.
In 1992 Manuela qualified with a Tourism Manager Diploma from the College of Tourism in Bad Gleichenberg, Austria. Thereafter she worked for 12 years in the hospitality industry, in the F&B area and in managerial positions in front office departments as well as in 4* and 5* business and package hotels in various countries, including Switzerland, Germany, England and Egypt.
Since 2006 she has expanded her experience with academic studies, completing a bachelor’s degree in International Management from FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria. During her studies she spent one semester at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China. Afterwards she completed the master’s programme in Tourism Management at the University of Pannonia in Veszprem, Hungary.
Teaching Focus and Research: She has been passing on her theoretical and practical knowledge to students at FH JOANNEUM Bad Gleichenberg since 2009, as a lecturer and researcher in the field of international hospitality management.
List of Publications:
Tooma, M. (2022). Zufriedenheit im Tourismus. Worüber reden wir eigentlich? In: Arbeit im Tourismus als Notfallpatient?! Info-Mail Wissenschaft Nr. 10 (Dezember 2022) https://mailchi.mp/a2369e453f70/respect_nfi-infomail-wissenschaft-nr10_arbeit-im-tourismus?e=e6a6d64363
Tooma, M. (2021). Tourismus - Update. In: D. Binder (Hg.), APA-OTS Tourismuspresse, 24.3.2021, https://www.tp-blog.at/markt-kommunikation/tourismus-update-von-der-itb-2021
Tooma, M. & Hofer-Fischanger, K. (2019). Service and Information Technology - an Interdisciplinary Learning Approach between Healthcare and the Hospitality Industry. In: Tschandl, M & Sorko, SR (Hg), Business Digitalization: New Business Models, Smart Production and the Human side of Digitalization. Graz-Wien: Leykam.
Tooma, M. & Hofer, K. (2019). Services Made by Humans? - How Information Technology (IT) shapes our Services - Considerations for the Hospitality and Healthcare Sectors. In: Tschandl, M & Sorko, SR (Hg), Business Digitalisation. Retrieved from http://bizepaper.fh-joanneum.at/eBooks/Business_Digitalization.pdf, S.26-29.
Frank, G., Friedl, H. A. & Tooma, M. (2019). The Making of Gastfreundschaft. Ein erlebniswissenschaftlicher Diskurs mit Arbeitsmodell. In: FH Wien (Hg.), Experience Design im Tourismus. Erlebnisse gestalten: Grundlagen – Beispiele – Methoden (S.41-58). Wien: Springer Gabler Verlag.
Tooma, M. & Simi, H. (2018). Physically Active, But Stressed: Mixed Methods To Evaluate Activity Levels Of Chefs and Waiters. Paper presented at the International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (17th-19th October), Budapest.
Tooma, M. (2018). Körperlich sehr aktiv, aber unter Stress. In: D. Binder (Hg.), APA-OTS Tourismuspresse, 29.11.2018, https://www.tp-blog.at/aus-und-weiterbildung/koerperlich-sehr-aktiv-aber-unter-stress
Tooma, M. & Hofer, K. (2018). Services Made by Humans? - How Information Technology (IT) shapes our Services – Considerations for the Hospitality and Healthcare Sectors. Paper presented at the Conference Business Digitalization (24th April), Kapfenberg.
Tooma, M. (2018). Disruption im Tourismus - Kurze Reflexion zur ITB Berlin 2018. In: D. Binder (Hg.), APA-OTS Tourismuspresse, 29.3.2018, https://www.tp- blog.at/innovationen/schwerpunkt-digitalisierung/disruption-im-tourismus-gedanken-zur-itb-berlin-2018
Tooma, M. (2016). Sustainable Work-Life-Balance and Well-Being for Employees within the Hospitality Industry – A Rather Romantic Wonderland? ATLAS Tourism and Leisure Review, Volume 2016-1. Double-blind peer-reviewed
Visiting Scholar:
University of Pannonia, Faculty of Business and Economics / Institute of Tourism Management (2011)
University of Salzburg, Lehrgang Gastrosophische Wissenschaften (2011-2023)