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Margareta Frühwirth


Hochschullektorin (FH)


+43 (316) 5453 - 6692




Biomedizinische Analytik
Eggenberger Allee 13
Raum EA13.03.309
8020 Graz



Beruflicher Werdegang:
Hochschullektorin an der FH JOANNEUM am Institut für „Biomedizinische Analytik“ seit März 2022.
Biomedizinische Analytikerin an der Abteilung für Hämatologie am LKH Graz im Labor für Durchflusszytometrie im Bereich Lymphom- und Leukämiediagnostik (2006 bis 2022).
Projektmitarbeit im Bereich der Stammzell- und Lymphomforschung (2005 bis 2012).
Biomedizinische Analytikerin im Histologischen Labor am Institut für Pathologie der Medizinischen Universität Graz (1999 bis 2006).

Magisterstudium der „Molekularen Mikrobiologie“, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (2005 bis 2007).
Bakkalaureatsstudium der „Molekularbiologie“, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (2001 bis 2004)
Akademie für den medizinisch-technischen Laboratoriumsdienst (1996 bis 1999).

Fortbildungen vor allem im Bereich Durchflusszytometrie, Hämatologie und Hämostaseologie.

Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung (Modul A und Modul B).

Mitarbeit an folgenden Publikationen:

Publizierte (zitierfähige) Beiträge für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen
** Etchart, N; Reinisch, A; Ortner, A; Fruhwirth, M; Hofmann, N; Rohban, R; Url, C; Schallmoser, K; Beham-Schmid, C; Strunk, D Platelet-derived factors preserve human mesenchymal cell stemness and promote endochondral bone and marrow niche formation via PDGF-receptor signalling
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 2012; 47: S49-S50. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

** Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, RO; Reinisch, A; Etchart, N; Schallmoser, K; Fruehwirth, M; Rohban, R; Beham-Schmid, C; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D Therapeutic neo-vasculogenesis in vivo is promoted by oxygen sensing mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 2012; 47: S319-S320. [Poster]
Web of Science

** Reinisch, A; Etchart, N; Hofmann, NA; Fruhwirth, M; Ortner, A; Thaler, D; Feilhauer, B; Hartwig, UF; Beham-Schmid, C; Trajanosky, S; Wagner, W; Alves, F; Schallmoser, K; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D; Organotypic Epigenetic Signature Predicts Bone and Marrow Niche Forming Capacity of Stromal Progenitors in a Novel Mouse Model in Vivo.
BLOOD. BLOOD120: WASHINGTON: AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY; ( Presented at: 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), Atlanta, GA, DEC 08-11, 2012) Doi: 10.1182/blood.V120.21.2987.2987 [Poster]
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** Reinisch, A; Etchart, N; Hofmann, NA; Fruhwirth, M; Thaler, D; Feilhauer, B; Ortner, A; Beham-Schmid, C; Trajanoski, S; Wagner, W; Schallmoser, K; Strunk, D Bone and haematopoietic niche formation is predetermined by a specific epigenetic signature
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 2012; 47: S48-S49. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

Hofmann, N; Ortner, A; Jacamo, R; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohban, R; Frühwirth, M; Beham-Schmid, C; Linkesch, W; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D Neo-vasculogenesis in vivo is promoted by oxygen sensing mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells.
Magazine of European medical oncology Suppl 01/12. 2012; 2-3.-Frühjahrstagung 2012 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hämotologie & Onkologie; APR 12-14, 2007; Graz, Austria. [Keynote lecture]

Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, R; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohban, R; Fruewirth, M; Beham-Schmid, C; Linkesch, W; Andreef, M; Strunk, D Novel role of oxygen sensing mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells as initiators of neo-vasculogenesis in vivo.
Haematologica. 2012; 1 (2012)(97(s1)):481-482.-17th Congress of EHA; JUN 14-17, 2012; Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS. [Oral Communication]

Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, R; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohban, R; Frühwirt, M; Liechtenstein, N; Beham-Schmid, C; Linkesch, W; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D A Novel Role for Mesenchymal Stem / Progenitor Cells As Hypoxia Sensors During Initiation of Neo-Vasculogenesis in Vivo.
Blood. 2012; 120(21):613-613.-54th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition; DEC 8-11, 2012; San Diego, USA. [Keynote lecture]

Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, R; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohban, R; Frühwirth, M; Beham-Schmid, C; Linkesch, W; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D Neo-Vasculogenesis in vivo is promoted by oxygen sensing mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells.
2012 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Haematology and Oncology.. 2012; 5(1):2-3.-ÖGHO; APR 12-14, 2012; Graz, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, RO; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Frühwirth, M; Rohban, R; Beham-Schmid, C; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D Oxygen Sensing Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cells Initiate Neo-Vasculogenesis in vivo.
45. Jahrestagung der DGTI. 2012; 39(suppl1):17-17.-DGTI; SEP 11-14, 2012; Graz, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

Reinisch, A; Etchart, N; Hofmann, NA; Frühwirth, M; Ortner, A; Url, C; Rohban, R; Schallmoser, K; Beham-Schmid, C; Strunk D Platelet-Derived Factors Maintain Human Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cell Potency in vivo.
45. Jahrestagung der DGTI. 2012; 39(suppl1):1-1.-DGTI; SEP 11-14, 2012; Graz, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

** Etchart, N; Reinisch, A; Ortner, A; Fruhwirth, M; Rohban, R; Url, C; Schallmoser, K; Beham-Schmid, C; Strunk, D Platelet-Derived Factors Allow Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Spontaneously Undergo Endochondral Bone Differentiation and Provide Bone Marrow Support in a Xenogenic In Vivo Model
BLOOD. 2011; 118(21): 583-584. [Poster]
Web of Science

** Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, RO; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Fruewirth, M; Diwoky, C; Rohban, R; Beham-Schmid, C; Andreeff, M; Strunk, D Neo-Vasculogenesis In Vivo Is Facilitated by Oxygen Sensing Mesenchymal Stem and Pogenitor Cells
BLOOD. 2011; 118(21): 319-319. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

** Reinsch, A; Liechtenstein, N; Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Fruhwirth, M; Schallmoser, K; Beham-Schmid, C; Strunk, D Dissociation of In Vivo and in Vitro Differentiation Capacity of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Is Reflected by a Tissue Specific Epigenetic Memory
BLOOD. 2011; 118(21): 1027-1028. [Poster]
Web of Science

Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Jacamo, RO; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Frühwirth, M; Beham-Schmid, C; Andreef, M; Strunk, D Oxygen sensing of mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells promotes neo-vasculogenesis in vivo.
European Surgery: 25th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Transfusion and Genetics. 2011; 43(242):23-23.-Austrotransplant; OCT 19-22, 2011; Graz, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

Reinisch, A; Liechtenstein, N; Hofmann, NA; Ortner, A; Frühwirth, M; Schallmoser, K; Beham-Schmid, C; Strunk, D Tissue Specific epigenetic memory: differentiation capacity of mesenchymal stem cell is restricted to their tissue of origin.
European Surgery: 25th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Transfusion and Genetics.. 2011; 43(242):7-7.-Austrotransplant; OCT 19-22, 2011; Graz, AUSTRIA. [Poster]

HAEMATOL-HEMATOL J. 15th Congress of the European Hematology Association. 2010; 95(s2):0509-220.-15th Congress of the European Hematology Association. ; JUN 10-13, 2010; Barcelona, SPAIN. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

** Reinisch, A; Hofmann, NA; Obenauf, A; Kashofer, K; Rohde, E; Schallmoser, K; Thaler, D; Fruhwirth, M; Flicker, K; Linkesch, W; Speicher, M; Strunk, D Sustained vessel formation through co-transplantation of endothelial colony-forming progenitor cells with mesenchymal stromal cells
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. 2010; 45: S52-S52. -36th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; MAR 21-24, 2010; Vienna, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

** Thaler, D; Fruthwirth, M; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohde, E; Hofmann, NA; Linkesch, W; Hartwig, U; Strunk, D Combined action of endothelial and mesenchymal niche cells to amplify haematopoietic progenitor expansion in a humanized system
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. 2010; 45: S53-S53. - 36th Annual Meeting of hte European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; MAR 21-24, 2010; Vienna, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

Thaler, D; Feilhauer, B; Frühwirth, M; Schallmoser, K; Rohde, E; Hofmann, NA; Hartwig, U; Reinisch, A; Strunk, D Combined action of endothelial and mesenchymal niche cells to amplify hematopoietic progenitor expansion in a humanized system.
24th Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Transfusion and Genetics2010; 42(237):14-14.-Austrotransplant; OCT 27-29, 2010; Villach, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
** Deutsch, AJ; Frühwirth, M; Aigelsreiter, A; Cerroni, L; Neumeister, P Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphomas are targeted by aberrant somatic hypermutation.
J Invest Dermatol. 2009; 129(2): 476-479. Doi: 10.1038/jid.2008.243 [OPEN ACCESS]
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Publizierte (zitierfähige) Beiträge für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen
** Fruehwirth, M; Thaler, D; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohde, E; Hofmann, NA; Linkesch, W; Strunk, D Contribution of endothelial and mesenchymal niche cells to haematopoietic progenitor expansion in a humanised system.
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. 2009; 43: S188-S189.-35th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; MAR 29-APR 01, 2009; Goteborg, SWEDEN. [Poster]
Web of Science

** Reinisch, A; Hofmann, NA; Obenauf, A; Kashofer, K; Rohde, E; Schallmoser, K; Thaler, D; Fruehwirth, M; Flicker, K; Linkesch, W; Speicher, M; Strunk, D Vascular regeneration by adult blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells expanded under animal serum-free conditions
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. 35th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation2009; 43(1):S19-S20.-35th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; MAR 29-APR 01, 2009; Goteborg, SWEDEN. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

Reinisch, A; Hofmann, NA; Obenauf, AC; Kashofer, K; Rohde, E; Schallmoser, K; Thaler, D; Fruehwirth, M; Flicker, K; Linkesch, W; Speicher, M; Strunk, D Stable vascular regeneration through co-application of adult blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs).
23rd Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Transfusion and Genetics.2009; 41(231):23-23.-23rd Meeting of the Austrian Society of Transplantation, Transfusion and Genetics.; OCT 21-23, 2009; Seefeld, AUSTRIA. [Oral Communication]

Reinisch, A; Hofmann, NA; Obenauf, AC; Kashofer, K; Rohde, E; Schallmoser, K; Thaler, D; Fruehwirth, M; Linkesch, W; Speicher; MR; Strunk, D Making functional Endothelial progenitors: animal serum-free humanized large-scale propagated adult blood-derived Endothelial colony-forming cells assemble stable perfused vessel in vivo.
2009 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Haematology and Oncology2009; 2(2):1-2.-ÖGHO Frühjahrestagung; APR 16-18, 2009; Salzburg, AUSTRIA. (ISBN: 1865-5041 ) [Oral Communication]

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
** Deutsch, A; Aigelsreiter, A; Steinbauer, E; Frühwirth, M; Kerl, H; Beham-Schmid, C; Schaider, H; Neumeister, P Distinct signatures of B-cell homeostatic and activation-dependent chemokine receptors in the development and progression of extragastric MALT lymphomas.
J Pathol. 2008; 215(4): 431-444. Doi: 10.1002/path.2372
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** Halldórsdóttir, AM; Frühwirth, M; Deutsch, A; Aigelsreiter, A; Beham-Schmid, C; Agnarsson, BA; Neumeister, P; Richard Burack, W Quantifying the role of aberrant somatic hypermutation in transformation of follicular lymphoma.
Leuk Res. 2008; 32(7): 1015-1021. Doi: 10.1016/j.leukres.2007.11.028
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Publizierte (zitierfähige) Beiträge für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen
** Frühwirth, M; Thaler, D; Reinisch, A; Schallmoser, K; Rohde, E; Hofmann, NA; Linkesch, W; Strunk, D Combined Action of Endothelial and Mesenchymal Niche Cells to Amplify Hematopoietic Progenitor Expansion in a Humanized System.
Fiftieth annual meeting abstracts2008; 112(11):840-840.-American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting and Exposition; DEC 6-9, 2008; San Francisco, USA. [Oral Communication]
Web of Science

** Reinisch, A; Hofmann, NA; Obenauf, A; Kashofer, K; Rohde, E; Schallmoser, K; Thaler, D; Fruehwirth, M; Linkesch, W; Speicher, M; Strunk, D Making Functional Endothelial Progenitors: Humanized Large-scale Animal Serum-free Propagated Adult Blood-derived Endothelial Colony-forming Cells Assemble Stable Perfused Vessels In vivo.
Fiftieth Annual Meeting Abstracts2008; 112(11):659-659.-American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting and Exposition; DEC 6-9, 2008; San Francisco, USA. [Poster]
Web of Science

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
** Deutsch, AJ; Aigelsreiter, A; Staber, PB; Beham, A; Linkesch, W; Guelly, C; Brezinschek, RI; Fruhwirth, M; Emberger, W; Buettner, M; Beham-Schmid, C; Neumeister, P MALT lymphoma and extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are targeted by aberrant somatic hypermutation.
Blood. 2007; 109(8):3500-3504 Doi: 10.1182/blood-2006-06-030494 [OPEN ACCESS]
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