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FH JOANNEUM students have the opportunity to spend their semester abroad at a European or at a non-European partner university. Here you can find out what opportunities are offered.
FH JOANNEUM has a large network of partner universities, most of which are located within Europe. If you decide to spend a semester abroad at a partner university in an ERASMUS+ program country, you can apply for an ERASMUS+ grant. See Funding for detailed information on the funding amounts and the requirements to be met here.
If you think that there is no ERASMUS+ outside Europe, you are wrong. Through the ERASMUS+ tracks International Credit Mobility (ICM/KA171) or Global ERASMUS+, students can also be sponsored outside Europe. However, with these programs there is no ulimited number of scholarship places, therefore you have to expect a selection process. The requirements for a semester abroad outside Europe via ERASMUS+ can be found here, furthermore you can find information about the funding amounts under Funding.
Joint Study is an exchange program with universities in countries that are mostly not part of the European Union. In this program there is no funding, but you do not have to pay any tuition fees at the partner university. You can find out which partner universities FH JOANNEUM and especially your study program has here.
If you cannot find a suitable partner university, in rare cases you may be able to complete a stay abroad as a so-called ‘free mover’. However this has the following disadvantages:
Currently, the EU and the Swiss authorities have agreed to suspend the ongoing negotiations on ERASMUS+. Therefore, study visits to Switzerland cannot be funded through ERASMUS+ at this time. However, Switzerland has its own mobility program: Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP). Grants are paid out by Switzerland. For more information, please contact the partner universities in Switzerland directly.
You can apply for a Marshall Plan scholarship to spend a study period at a university in the United States. The Marshall Plan Foundation promotes research visits to U.S. universities by students on technical courses who are writing their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. The aim of the Marshall Plan Foundation is to promote mutual understanding between Austria and the U.S. through student exchanges. The Marshall Plan Foundation awards grants for research trips to the U.S. but does not provide study places. Students have to find their own place on a course.
Many universities around the world offer short blocks of events in the summer and sometimes also in the winter months: so-called Summer/Winter Schools. These events are usually held in English and in the local language.