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Cultural Diversity at FH JOANNEUM: Costa Rica & Peru

Intercultural skills and intercultural competence
Cultural Diversity an der FH JOANNEUM: Costa Rica & Peru (Copy)

During the Cultural Evening on April 9, 2024 you will be offered the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of the countries Costa Rica & Peru. International degree seeking students and exchange students are going to present their home countries within the scope of so called \”Cultural Evenings”.

Since each student will lay a different focus, we are already looking forward to an exciting course of lectures which will point out the cultural diversity at FH JOANNEUM. After watching the presentations, participants can discuss the findings.

Presenter for Costa Rica and Perus:
Valeria Calvo & Samantha Ramirez

About the Cultural Evenings

The Cultural Evenings aim to develop the following skills in students: cultural self-awareness, an appreciation of cultural difference, a facility to interpret actions in many ways in order to facilitate cultural understanding, intercultural communication skills and sensitivity for intercultural issues. Moreover, local students gain the possibility to participate in “internationalization at home” and the cultural diversity and heterogeneity at FH JOANNEUM is emphasized.

Who can participate in the course?

All students and external students as well as employees are also welcomed to join the cultural evenings as guests. In general, there is no registration required, come as you are.


Please note, that registration is required if you want to obtain credits. Registration is possible within the first appointment on site.

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